Chapter Seven: Training, Testing and Awareness

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                                                          California's POV

I didn't like who I was assigned with and what was with the rookie was with some weirdo. Just then I heard Kanas say today we're going to some training exercise. "Yes!" I cheered as everyone groaned. "Come on, Kanas cal cheated last time! Completed Nevada, "Hey I didn't cheat, I just rule." "Then explain why we couldn't get poor Rookie out of the gel!?" "He faked it?" I offered with a shrug, You're unbelievable!" Tennessee yelled at me, "Enough! You're not fighting each other your fighting you're fighting your partners. "Can I get rookies?" I asked with my hand raised but kanas said no. "Damnit." I muttered but Kansas told me, No cussing. However Nevada's partner asked, "Wait that's not fair, we don't know what to expect." "Oh don't worry we're not using freelancer equipment and my agents will be going easy on you." I frowned but got in my fighting position. 

                                                           Tennessee's POV

"As I fought the orange man I could tell he was well pretty useless at the lease. He didn't really left much of a fight and I was holding back a lot." I told Kansas as regrouped, "I thought he was yellow. I heard cal say. "Well you're wrong." As he glared Missi said, "I thought he was yellow too." "M-Maybe he's a dark yellow like Cal?" Offered Rookie. "He has a point." Nevada said however kanas said, "That doesn't matter. What does is they're not a threat." "Yeah it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out." "Nevada!" I said her name in disapproval as she shrugged it off saying, "What? I'm just saying!" "Stop, Kansas to us then added, "As long as we know that Sarge is the leader then we're fine." "But Kanas, they're just simulation troopers what harm can they do?" "Never judge your enemy before they attack you." "Uh question, they just did and sucked at it." Cal said but I hate to admit I was with him on this. "They-They could have been faking it." I heard New Mexico quietly say, "Thank you, Rookie. Now everyone keep that in mind while you watch them." "Yes sir. We all told him however two members of the dream team came in.

                                                           Alma's POV

I massaged my temples as I waited for those four to hurry up. "About time." I said as their ship landed, "Hey, not all of us can teleport." Bitters told me as I rolled my eyes telling him, "I rode mongoose here. I don't know where what you're complaining about." "Enough." Polamo said then Jensen added, "Let's just focus on getting back our friends okay?" I took a breath telling them, "Okay, follow me. I said as the relectentl followed me to the base. "I told them to gather any useful things in here while I worked downstairs but they probably ignored me or something. Anyways the machine sucked them up and now their gone." "Well, what was this machine originally meant for?" Asked Jensen, "It was kinda meant for a drill but it also leaked out time stuff? I don't know? All I know is that it could end the world." "How interesting." I rolled my eyes but told them, "Don't touch it! You can activate it and doom us all again." "Alright, How are we going to find them?" "Well we can't turn on the machine... trailed off Andersmith then he said, maybe we can send a letter?" "It's the past then the future think of something else." I told him, How about we build our own time machine?" Offered jensen. "That could take too long and we don't have any sort idea how to make one." "Well, what's your idea." Bitters asked as I glared at him as andersmith said, "Hey, calm down we're not going to be able to track them by yelling at each other." "Track. Tracking! That's it!" I said in realization then quickly ran toward the mongoose, What do you mean tracking!" Asked Polamo confused but I told them, "I need to grab something real quick just meet me here in half an hour." Then I took off, I parked the mongoose near Isaac's grave site then got to work. "Let's see, I said while shifting my feet on to the ground, If I were those two then where would I-" I stopped what I was doing then quickly started digging by a tree. When I found what I was looking for I sighed a bit then said while looking at his cross. "You guys haven't changed much still?" I quickly placed flowers by his grave then made my way to my next lotion the towers. Once there I started looking around until I found it, I now left to go where we planned to meet. 

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