Chapter Four: Everyone Needs to Just Play Nice

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                                                                 Tennessee's POV

I just hoped Kansas knew what he was doing, Oh great, she's back. I heard Cal say as i walked in then Missi asked hyperly, "Hi Tennessee! Where you been? Wait, where's Kansas?" "Aw come on! Don't tell me your in charge again!" Cal complained as I ignored him, "Rookie!" "Y-Yeah?" Kansas wants you to talk to the guy in dark blue armor. He said you should know who it is." "Fuck to the no!" Cal standing in front of him protectively. "It's not your choice California, it's Kansas's. He's the leader, what he says goes and the sooner you learn that the better." "One, don't call me that! Two, I'm not letting New Mexico near that weirdo and Three, There's no way in fucking hell i'm letting you." "Is that a threat?" I asked him while he told me, "It's a challenge." "Enough! Missi said loud for all of us to hear, since nobody's getting along i'll go with him. "Agreed." "What! No fair!" Cal complained as I told him, "Life's not fair California." "Bitch." He mumbled before punching a small hole into the wall then leaving. 

                                                                           Missi's POV

"I-Is he going to be okay?" New mexico asked worried who cares Tennessee told him but I told him, "He'll be fine he just needs some time alone. Now let's go meet that blue soldier!" "Missi!" He mumbled my name as I dragged him down the halls.

                                                                             Kanas's POV

I sighed until we had this figured out the counselor thought it would be best to have the soldiers to be occupied by a freelancer until they were deemed neutral. Unfortunately since they were six on them and I including my team were six we were paired up with them I just hoped Cal can play nice. 

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