Chapter Three: Asking for Help

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I started to take calm, smoothing breaths to think, I need to think of a plan I also need help. I teleported to the new aminea. Once there I asked for Polamo, Jensen, Andersmith and Bitters. "Yes may we- Oh it's you." Bitters said unanmoused. "What the fuck is that suppose to mean?!" I asked angrily, "N-Nothing!" He told me fearfully as andersmith asked, "How can we help mercenary Ne-"It's Alma now." "How many times do you change your name?" Bitters ask annoyed. "When I need to got a problem with it!" Nothing! I mean no!" He started Jensen then told me, "If you're through with scarring Antione then can I ask why are you here?" "I need your guys help and if you tell anyone I will have use drastic measures." "Okay, but why can't you ask agent Washington or Carolina for help?" "Wash's brain is broken and Carolina really needs to rest or else she's going to hurt herself more. So I need you four to help me on a mission." "What kind of mission?" Asked Polamo, "I need your help to get the reds and blues back."

                                                                             Kansas's POV

I had stepped out for a moment. I was shocked at that that soldier told me, "He's my friend!" Why did he say that? My thoughts were broken by a familiar voice, "Hey, rough day?" I smiled a bit asking, "So did they sent you to interrogate the tougher ones or are you here to break up the weapons fight?" "Nether, she told me, I was just walking but out of curiosity who's in the weapon fight?" "New York and Washington." "Figures." "Do you want to break them up?" I offered her, "I guess but why were you so upset?" "Oh one of them know one of my men." "Who? I rolled my eyes at this answering her, "The prodigy." "Really? Him?" "Yeah but the guy was kind of.. I paused then said, stupid." "Are you sure?" She asked, "I just have this feeling that he's telling the truth for some reason." "Well maybe you can use him to your advantage." "What do you mean?" I asked suspiciously. "Calm down. All i'm saying is that you let him talk to the guy I mean if he thinks they're friends then maybe you can get information out of him." I was about to say something but we had already arrived and true to there word they were in the middle of the room fighting over an odd looking weapon. "Do you or should I?" I said after looking at them, "I'll separate them." She said while I nodded, as soon as she did I snatch the odd weapon, "Aw come on!" Yelled Washington as New York asked, "What the hell C.T.!" Unless you two can behave then i'm letting someone else have it." As they complained to her I left afterwards I saw Tennessee. I let out a breath then told her what to pass onto the team, "Of course Kansas but are you sure he'll be okay?" "I'm sure." I told her. She nodded then left, I sighed walking away.

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