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  • Dedicated to Each and everyone of our readers

2nd January, 2014.

Third Person’s POV

It has been two days since Virat and Satakshi confessed to each other and they are happy as ever. The two of them now spend each and every moment of their day either talking to each other or thinking about each other. Even after they became a couple, nothing has changed between them. They are still like the old best friends the reason being that they had loved and cared for each other. The difference is that, back then they didn’t know what they felt for each other was more than friendship, and now they know. They love each other madly and don’t hesitate to show it.

Now, the two of them are sitting on the couch I Satakshi’s house. Virat is lying down with his head in Satakshi’s lap, and both of them are engaged in a random conversation. Satakshi is telling Virat about how much she loved his proposal, when she suddenly remembers something.

“Hey, how was I involved in getting you clean bowled?” She asks him, referring to the part when Virat had said he got clean bowled because of her.

“I was so captivated by you that I saw your face instead of the ball. I seriously couldn’t see when the ball came towards me and before I knew, it had hit the wickets,” Virat explains recalling that day's incident.

“Aww… so sweet!”Satakshi exclaims, pulling Virat’s cheeks.

“What sweet? I was on the verge on hitting a century!” Virat says, "By the way, that was the day when I realized that I loved you. And Vinnie was the one who helped me realize.”

“Seriously?”Satakshi says, surprised. “How did she help you?”

“Actually she was the one who introduced this fact into my mind and kept on asking me if I loved you or not. And then after talking to you, as I analyzed what she’d said, I realized I was in love… with you.”

“Oh God! All this time I’d been thinking you and Vinnie loved each other. I was under the illusion that she was taking you away from me…”
“And what made you think so?”

“Well… You two seemed so close, and the media people didn’t make it any easier for me. There  was always thousands of articles about you two in the newspapers. In fact, when I was drunk , remember the reason I told you for getting drunk? Well, I lied. I had actually seen another article about you and Vinnie and I just freaked out…” Satakshi said, running her fingers through Virat’s soft and messy hair.

Virat took Satakshi’s free hand in his, and looking at Satakshi in the eye, says-

“That was so stupid of you! You should know that you’re the only one I love. These media people seriously need to get a life.”

“But Arnav had told me you love Vinnie… So I thought…”Satakshi says.

“Yeah what Arnav said was true. But the keyword is ‘was’. I used to love her, but now I don’t. It was like these years back, and over the years I realized it was just an infatuation,” Virat explains, old memories coming back to him.

“Oh… so Vinnie never loved you back?”Satakshi asks.

“Nope. She then went away abroad for her job and gradually our communication also decreased.”

“Oh…”Satakshi says.  She then suddenly remembers something and adds-“Hey, that night at the party… you were telling me something about Vinnie and Raina…?”

"Yeah, they are a couple now,” Virat plainly replies.

“Really? Wow… They’d actually make a cute couple.”

Clean Bowled: A Virat Kohli FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now