8. Behind the curtains...

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8. Behind the curtains...

Virat’s POV

“I’M COMING!!” Raina, who was the seeker, called out to us. What? So fast? I haven’t even found a hiding place for me! We’re really playing dark room after all, despite my refusal. I so hate this kid’s game.

I quickly scanned my position and I think I was near my room. I slowly and cautiously made my way into my room, totally blinded. I could only see the faint outline of the door and that was enough for me to recognise my room. Once inside, I thought of where to hide. Even though it was pitch dark inside, I knew my room too well so I could make my way through it without much difficulty. I made my way towards the left of the room, intending to hide behind the curtains which covered up a door. Behind the door were stairs which led to my gym. I chose this place so that if I get caught I could also run from the stairs. Yeah, I was really into the game even though I hated it!

I quickly slid behind the curtains, and stood there, unmoved. After a while, I saw the dark outline of a man, probably Raina, get inside the room. I hastily moved further inside the curtain towards the door, when I bumped into someone. The smell seemed so familiar—I could almost bet it was her. Knowing that she would get startled and shout, as a natural reflex, my hand went up to cover her mouth—all in a fraction of a second. Thankfully, I covered her mouth just on time, draining her voice.

“Sshh,” I said, removing my hand form her mouth, “It’s me, Virat,” I whispered cautiously into her ears, trying my best not to produce a lot of sound in case Raina heard me.

She inhaled deeply and softly whispered back, “Gawd! You gave me a mini-heart attack! I’m so scared of the dark and above it you are scaring me more!”

“How many things are you afraid of!?” I exclaimed in a low voice.

But this time, instead of her reply, I heard something else. “VEEEEEEE!” Satakshi’s shrill and piercing scream filled the room, and from somewhere a bright light flooded the room, almost blinding me. It did not take me much time to realize what had actually happened—She had pushed open the gym door by mistake and was now about to fall down the stairs. I immediately sprang forward to grab her hand and stop her from falling. Thankfully, I caught her on time. As soon as I caught her hand, I pulled her towards me, wrapping my arms around her waist to secure my grip around her. And that’s when I heard someone say “Ahem ahem” from the side.

Raina’s POV

“VEEEEE!” Suddenly I heard a girlish scream from my left. I instantly turned thinking that I caught my first prey. I could see a bright light penetrating from behind the curtains, as well as the shadow of two people. Wah, ek teer se doh nishane (English translation: Wow, I caught two preys with one arrow!), I thought and congratulated myself. I silently walked towards the curtains and pulled them aside, only to find two love birds—Virat and Satakshi—cuddling. Virat’s arms were around Satakshi’s waist, and Satakshi’s arms were around Virat’s shoulders. Both of them were staring into each other’s eyes.

“Ahem ahem,” I intentionally cleared my throat in order to capture their attention. “Caught you love birds!” I exclaimed.

Both of them instantly screamed, “SHUT UP!”

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