22. The truth unfolds...

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25th December, 2013.

Virat’s POV


“Why are you sitting here all alone?” Raina asked as he approached me, shaking me out of my thoughts. He sat down on the empty seat beside me and continued, “This is our success party dude! We won the series! And you did exceedingly well as the captain. It’s time to celebrate! What’s wrong with you?”

Everything is wrong with me. My life is totally fucked up, I thought and kept mum, not knowing what to say. As I did not reply, Raina said after a brief pause,

“I know it’s about Satakshi. Why don’t you solve it out with her, now that the match is over?”

Yeah, you’re right. It’s all about her only. But I can’ solve it with her as I’m the one who screwed it, I thought but didn’t think I could explain it to Raina. It was a lot more complicated than he thought it was.

“It’s no use saying anything to you. You aren’t gonna reply, are you? Anyways, I was thinking about something and I guess you should know about this. I…” He paused for a moment, hesitating. “I am going to ask Vinnie out once we’re back in Delhi. Wish me luck, please! I’m so nervous!”

“That’s great! But why are you nervous? The whole world knows that you both like each other. And I being her best friend, I can assure you that she will readily say a yes. Go for it!” I encouraged Raina. This news was not completely shocking for me as I had anticipated it beforehand. I wish I also could have been able to express my love like Raina.

“Seriously? You made me feel a thousand times better now—“Raina had hardly completed his sentence when Jaddu called out from the other end of the hall,


“Yeah, coming!” Raina shouted over his shoulder and stood up. “You also come na Virat,” He offered me to join the lads. I was about to refuse when my cell phone began ringing, giving me an excuse. God bless that person!

“I’ll take this call and join you guys later. You carry on,” I said. Once Raina walked away, I tool out my phone which displayed,

Arnav Calling…

The name brought back the painful memories of that night, which Raina’s news had made me forget for a moment. I hesitated for a moment before receiving the call.

“Hello?” I spoke, trying to sound normal.

“Hey, congrats bud! We won!” Arnav’s fervent voice boomed from the other side.

“Hmm thanks…”

“Okay, so I have something to tell you!”

“Yeah, say. You sound extremely joyful.”

“Yup. The occasion is only a happy one. Well, you see… After you went away for your ODI series, I and Satakshi have been hanging around a lot, and I’m beginning to think she also likes me back. So I guess this is the best time to tell her about my feelings…I’m doing it tonight.” I felt as if a thousand needles were piercing right through my heart at the same time. My head ached as I installed the news in my tiny brain slowly. In the same day, two persons had conveyed the same news to me. And yet, the two of the news were so contradictory. Why is my life playing such games with me?

Clean Bowled: A Virat Kohli FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now