7. New Friends

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*After 2 weeks*

Virat's POV

Satakshi answered my call on the fourth ring.

"Hey Vee!" Her cheerful voice greeted me from the other end.

Vee. Not again! Satakshi had started calling me Vee, instead of Virat. And not to mention I so hated it! I mean, it sounded so...girlish. It really looked more like a girl’s name, than a boy’s.

“Will you stop calling me that?” I said, rolling my eyes, wishing she could see me do that.

“Of course not!” She said. I could almost see her sticking her tongue out at me.

“Anyways...  I had called to say that you’re coming to my house today,” I said.

“What do you mean I’m coming to your house today?”

“I mean, I’m bored and I want some company. And I miss my bestie.” If you’re thinking who this ‘bestie’ is, it is Satakshi. Over the pst few days, he have become really close. After her break up with Advitya,  almost all her so-called ‘friends’ had ditched her. So we had been spending a lot of time together.

“Aww, you miss me? Hmm, well... Honestly, I was also getting bored. So I am not gonna turn you down today. When am I supposed to come?”

“Yes!” I said, ecstatically. “Come now?”

“Kay. Be there in an hour.”

“An hour! Why?” I exclaimed. Her house was hardly ten minutes away from mine.

“Actually, I have some college work to do. So...”

Oh, right. She is in college. Why do I always forget that?

“Okay fine. Its 5 now. I want you here by 6.”

“Okay baba. Text me the address.  Now bye.”

“Yeah. See you,” I said and disconnected the call.

*After one and half hours*

Satakshi’s POV

Ting tong! I looked at my watch as I rang the bell. Shit. 6:35. Virat’s gonna kill me, I thought. After a while, the door was opened slowly by a guy whom I’d never seen before. Who’s this handsome young man? I thought. I glanced at the name plate beside the door, which read ‘Kohli’s.’ Definitely the right place, I concluded and looked back at the stranger boy, only to find him staring at me. Now why was he staring at me? So I look that bad?

“Umm, excuse me?” I said, “Isn’t this Virat’s place?”

“Oh, yeah. You must be Satakshi. He’s been expecting you.”

“Yeah, I am Satakshi. And you are?”

“Arnav. Virat’s best friend.”

“No! I’m Virat’s best friend!” I dramatically pouted like a five year old. He chuckled and said—

“Of course! I’m the second best friend.”

“Hmm... So aren’t you gonna invite me in?”

“Oh, sorry... Come on in.”

I walked in found myself in a huge living room with several unknown people seated there. What! Is some sort of a party going on here? And Virat never bothered to tell me? Virat, you’re dead. I spotted Virat sitting on the huge sofa with his friends, most probably.

“Virat, you never told me that your friends were coming?”

“Why? You didn’t want us to come?” said Arnav, walking in after closing the door. At almost the same time, Virat also replied with a smirk,

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