12. "I love you too!"

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Raina’s POV

“Woah!” Virat exclaimed, dashing with Satakshi and finally landed on the sofa—nowhere but right on top of Satakshi. For the next few moments, they stayed right there, frozen, unmoved.  They were so close to each other—Virat’s face was inches away from Satakshi’s, and they looked like they were about to kiss. Perfect moment to capture, I thought, and without wasting any time, quietly took out my phone and captured them. Cool! It looked like a scene right out of a Bollywood movie. These guys were totally made for each other.

Just to ruin their perfect moment, Mahi bhai interrupted by saying, “Ahem ahem.” I at once shot Mahi bhai a furious look and looked back at Virakshi, only to find that they hadn’t noticed it. They totally seemed to be lost in each others’ eyes, with not a care for the world. Virat was in love,  I could bet on that. Finally, he found the ‘right’ girl for him. I was so happy for him. In a few seconds, Virat’s expression changed and he had a sly look on his face. Within moments, every inch of Satakshi’s face was covered up with the chocolate icing of the cake. 

“Aaaaah!” Satakshi screamed, clearly annoyed. Virat rolled over and sat down beside her on the sofa, laughing his head off.

“I hate you Veeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” Satakshi shouted, showering blows at him.

“I love you too!” Virat said, chuckling, while I just looked at him. How did he say such a thing in such a casual way?  Of course he hadn’t meant it in that way and I could see Satakshi didn’t take it in a serious manner too, but the rest of us... We were all amazed at how casually he had just said the big word.

“Oooh!” all of us exclaimed almost at the same time, who had been watching the show  with undivided attention.

“Congrats Virat! You finally said it!” Sakshi bhabhi said.

Satakshi gave her a puzzled look, shrugged, and said, “Whatever, I’m gonna go clear this mess from my face,” moving towards the washroom.

I looked at Virat, who was yet to understand what bhabhi had said moments ago. Once Satakshi was out of sight, all of us boys pounced on Virat at once.

“So you two an item now?”

“When did it hppen?”

“You said it dude!”

“Double celebration today!”

“You never told me about it!”

“Enjoyed on the sofa?”

“GUYSSSSS!” Virat shouted, and all of us became quiet at once. He was clearly enraged, I could see that. And when he’s angry, we all know the best thing is not to say anything.

“Will you stop it, please? I’m sick of telling you all there’s nothing in between me and her,” he went on to say the same old thing. Did he sound serious? Definitely. Are we gonna believe him? NOPE! That’s what all couples say in the beginning, right? ‘There’s nothing like that’, ‘We’re just friends’ and all that shit. Plus, we all enjoyed pulling his leg. I quickly took out my phone and opened up the pic I’d clicked minutes ago.

“You call this nothing?” I said, holding out the phone for him to see.

“What! Not again!” He exclaimed, exasperated.

“Wow, good job dude!” Yuvi said, and gave me a thumbs up. I beamed at once and we all went on with the teasing. In the middle of it, Arnav said,

“Umm, excuse me for a moment, guys. I’ve gotta make an important call” and awkwardly started towards the door. By a look at him I could tell that something was not...right. His eyes had a distant look in them, with a mixture of sorrow, anger and anxiety in them. What was wrong? He seemed to be too eager not to tease Virat, I’ve noticed. Or did he really have to make an important call? I could see that Virat was giving him a pleading look, as if telling ‘Save me’, but Arnav seemed not to notice and moved out without another word.

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