5. Knowing each other

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Satakshi's P.O.V.

-The next day-

Dear Diary,
Umm... Virat. Yes, he's the same one who I met "accidentally" and we are friends already. I hadn't expected him to actually turn up for our coffee plan. After all, he's a celeb... And you don't expect a celeb ringing your doorbell like a normal person, right? But he did. I am already under the impression that he is a good person.. And can be a good friend. The way he held me in his arms, remained quiet without questioning, the way he listened to me attentively... These are all the qualities which I had always wanted in my best friend. Speaking of best friends, I can't help thinking about my BFF scratch that.. My "so called" BFF who had been using me all this time. After witnessing that incident yesterday, the little feelings for Advitya which were left in me, they also vanished. How could he do that? I've been asking this question to myself over and over, to find no suitable answer. But no. I'm gonna be strong. I've shed enough tears and those bloody people are so not worth it. I wanna forget both of them...forver. Only forget, not forgive. I would NEVER forgive them for what they did to me, never in a hundred lives. Yes, I hate them that much. I hope they'd rot in hell.

"And we danced all night,
to the best song ever..."
My phone started ringing, interrupting my thoughts. I looked at the screen, which displayed


Since I was busy writing my diary, and the number was completely unfamiliar to me, I rejected the call without a second thought. Just I was getting back to writing, the phone rang again. I again picked up the phone to reject the call.. But something inside me forced me to accet it. And I did.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hi darling!" A boy replied in a cheeky voice.

"Sorry, who's this?"

"I'm your future hubby babe.. Don't you recognize me?"

"No I don't. Care telling me your identity?"

"Oh, forget about me, love! Let's talk about you.. Did I tell you how much I love you... Your rosy lips, which I could kiss whole day long.. Your cheeks which turn red when you blush.. Your black eyes--"

"To hell with you! I'm cutting the phone."

"Nooooo! No no no no no wait, Satakshi! Hold on... I'm Viraaaaaaaaatt!!"

"Hahaha. I knew it! I knew it!! What did you think.. I 'd forget my new friend's voice sooo soon?"

"Very funny.. Seems like someone has forgotten all about yesterday night."

"Please don't remind me about it, Virat. I've gotten over it with much difficulty. I wanna forget both of them forever. I've already deleted all my memories with the two of them from my mind. They are no longer a part of my life. So I don't wanna talk about them."

"Oh, fine! Good to see you've moved on."

"Satakshi!" Dad called me from downstairs.

"Yes, dad!" I shouted and then said to Virat, "Hey listen up.. Dad's calling. Talk to you later, kay?" and hung up.

Dad had been calling me for lunch. I hadn't even realized it was this late.

-After lunch-

I was lying on my bed, getting bored. I suddenly remembered about Virat, and thought about ringing him up. I started debating whether or not to call him at this time. I looked at the time-- 2:34 pm. Maybe he must be sleeping, and I shouldn't disturb him. And moreover, even if he wouldn't be sleeping, I think he wouldn't want to talk to me. But then, the other half of my mind was telling me, He's your friend. You can call him without hesitation. Go ahead. But I couldn't. I didn't really think we were that close friends.. yet. When I lay on my bed, with thoughts as these circling my mind, my phone started ringing--

"And we danced all night,
To the best song ever..
We knew every line,
Now I can't..."

It was from Virat. On seeing his name, I answered the call at once, with a broad smile on my face. This boy sure knew how to make my day.

"Hey!" I greeted him cheerfully.

"Hey, wazzup?"

"Nothing.. was just getting bored. I was actually debating whether to call you or not."

"You know what, I was doing the same thing!"

"Really? Why'd you need to debate about it... You can all me anytime!"

"Well.. I thought you must be sleeping.. And anyways, don't you think the same thing is valid for you also..? You can also call me anytime!"

"Yeah fine. Whatever. Now tell me one thing.. From where did you get my number?"

"Longgggg story!"

"I have enough time for that!"

"Uhmm kay.. Actually, yesterday in the Church, when you were asleep, I had called my driver to pick us up. Since my phone's battery was dead, I used your phone to call him up, which, btw was in your hands. I was actually surprised to see you still holding your phone while you were asleep! Anyways, later today, I got your number from my driver, who thankfully hadn't deleted it!"

"Soo.. You were desperate enough to get m number from your driver?"

"Of course! I had got to check on you! Anyways.. Where had you been all this time?"

"Was having my lunch..."

"What! You were eating for this long? How much do you eat? No wonder I had so much difficulty in lifting you up yesterday!"

"God..! You lifted me?"

"Of course I lifted you.. How do you think you reached your house?"

"Jeez.. You could have awoken me!"

"Naah.. You looked so beautiful sleeping.. I didn't want to wake you up." Hearing this, my cheeks turned bright red. But I wouldn't let him know I was blushing, of course. So I replied in a mocking tone--

"Oh really! You found a fat and heavy girl beautiful?"

"As if you don't know you're not fat! I was just kidding dear.. Chillax!"

"Of course I knew you were kidding. I know I'm irresistible. It's a universal fact!"

"Though I hate to admit, but I definitely agree with you on this point."

We then kept on talking about random things.. We talked about our likes, dislikes, our families, etc. Then the topic shifted to our greatest fears.

"I have a BIG phobia of bike rides!"

"Seriously? Then I know exactly what we're doing tomorrow!"


"You are going on a bike ride with me!"

"What! NEVER! No way!"

"Yes way! I'll give you no choice!"

"Oh yes, I actually have a choice... I have college tomorrow!"

"Nooooooo you're gonna bunk it!"

"No, I won't. I can't would be more like it..Cause dad's dropping me to college tomorrow. My baby is still hurt, if you remember. And you don't expect my dad to allow me to bunk class to go on a bike ride with you, right?"

"Oh. That's a small problem. I can take care of it."

"As if. You're speaking as if you're God!"

"I'm not God.. but I can really take care of this prob.."

"Well, how, if I may ask?"

"I'm gonna simply ask your dad to let me drop you in college, since I am the one who 'hurt' your baby.."

"I'll tell Dad not to let you."

"Ha ha.. Do you really think your dad will refuse me just because you tell him? Don't know he's quite a fan of cricket, which means he's a fan of mine?"

"Ugh.. This is not fair!"

"Yes, it is fair. Now stop arguing. You, me, bike ride, tomorrow.. It's final! Just wait and watch, babe!"

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