Chapter 46

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Storybrooke was incredibly chaotic for the next week after Killian's arrest. Everyone desperately wanted to know what happened and there was nonstop local news coverage for three days straight filled with stories, interviews, and speculations.

With enough torturing by order of James, Killian was forced into giving his full confession.

Many people were extremely disappointed with Killian for lying and stooping so low, killing not only their former mayor, but Mr. Gold's son, and even Detective Clark, who was later found tied to a boat anchor deep in the ocean by some divers that were sent down to retrieve him. In the end, no matter what anyone thought, they were innocent people (at least Neal and Regina were), and it was a real shame. Storybrooke was let down by someone they practically wanted to idolize.

Now, no one could completely blame Robert Gold for his previous hostilities toward Killian. It was understandable, though this didn't mean they found the man friendly in general. There was no denying the fact that he DID kill his ex-wife, and now recently, The Rabbit Hole's bartender.

Belle and Robert were taken to the hospital, where they met with Dr. Whale who had Robert's wounds better treated and Belle's own injuries and pregnancy checked. Shockingly the baby was fine. Dr. Whale was quite impressed, considering Belle's weak condition. It was as if this fetus was absolutely determined to stay alive. Belle laughed and then cried. She was so relieved, so thankful of the strength of her and her child. She told Robert the good news as soon as she was able to see him. After that, they gave their statement to the police on everything that occurred in the past year regarding Killian. Keith's death in the shop was something Robert hadn't meant to do, but it was all in self defense and to protect his wife.

Henry had also given his statement, and Dr. Whale had one of the nurses put together a rape kit. Jo and and a few others of corrupted law enforcement were soon arrested after that. Emma could not wait to see this vile garbage be beaten and hanged. For once, she was happy with the town's sense of justice.

Speaking of, Albert Spenser did not know what could be done with this situation and those involved. There were many gray areas that he was not used to dealing with. For one, Emma Swan had broken her son out of prison and then shot the true felon down. A man had died in the hands of Robert Gold. The lead detective of the precinct had apparently been scum and was now gone forever.

On top of all this, James had went out and had his team arrest all of Killian's accomplices hidden throughout Storybrooke. They weren't that sharp, most had revealed themselves protesting at the mob gathering after James had announced the truth. It had actually taken quite a while geting everyone to calm down and believe him. But after he showed the paper files of evidence and explained it quite clearly, there was no denying it. James even passed the files around, since they were just copies he made for this very moment.

At first they thought it was fabricated, but with enough reasoning and persuasion James was able to convince them to leave the rest to the police. Anyone who tried resisting would be handled by officials. No one wanted that with the cops surrounding them and armed, so the townspeople began leaving reluctantly with everything they heard and read ingrained into their minds. That is until some rioters threatened violence against them if they tried leaving the search party. These were Killian's men, and while they put up quite a fight, it wasn't enough for them to get away.

The sneakier ones were harder to find. James did some serious digging into Killian's past and found history of drug abuse and selling. It was a complete surprise, since he never would have guessed, and it took quite a bit of research too. Killian had done his best to cover his venal past.

After that, James got in his car and hunted for the five he recognized in the reports. Unfortunately, three of them were long gone. The other two, which included Hunter Randal, were caught trying to flee and were brought in to their dismay.

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