Chapter 20

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Robert was sitting at the kitchen table opening bills when Belle came running in, phone in hand.

"Something's happened," she said quickly.

Robert furrowed his brows. "What's going on?"

Belle handed him the phone, an expression of worry clouding her face. Robert glanced from her to the phone, then slowly took it in his own hand.

"Hello?" he said.


It was Emma, and her voice sounded very choked, like she'd been crying.

"Emma? What's going on? Are you ok?"

Emma cleared her throat and her voice went back to normal, more businesslike. "Um. No, not really."

Robert heard a few honks and Emma angrily shouting.

"Are you in the car?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm on my way to the station."

"What happened?"

"Henry was arrested."

Robert almost dropped the phone. Henry? His harmless grandson? Was that the Henry she was speaking of? If so, it did not make any sense at all. What could have Henry possibly done to get arrested?

"H-how? What did he DO?"

Belle clucked her tongue, shaking her head as she sat down in the empty chair next to her husband.

"He got into some fight at school and seriously injured the other kid. I'm going down there to see him and get some more details." Her tone changed to frustration and sadness. "I'm so pissed! I don't know what's going on with him, he's been acting up lately and now this?"

Robert took a deep breath and looked at Belle. She gazed at him expectantly. Robert asked Emma, "Should we come down there too?"

"You don't have to. I just wanted you to know what's going on. I'm gonna try and get him out of there. I'm just--I just regret not asking for help sooner. I thought I could handle him but..."

"You're only human. Just stay calm dear. And please call back after you've dealt with Henry. We'll come over to your apartment later if we have to."

"All right. I just pulled in. Thanks Papa, I gotta go." And she hung up.

Robert gently put the phone down and sighed in complete disappointment. Belle put her hand over his.

"Is everything all right?" she asked.

Robert shook his head. "I'm not sure. Henry hurt someone."

"Well we don't know the full story yet," Belle assured. "Maybe he was being picked on, and this was self-defense? Maybe it wasn't even his fault, and it got too far. These things happen you know. It's not uncommon for a victim of bullying to get the axe for fighting back."

Robert considered her words. She was just as desperate to believe Henry wouldn't do such a thing on purpose or lose his temper like that, and he wanted to feel the same way. But his mind went back to Christmas evening and Emma's words of how different he'd been behaving lately. Something was wrong, but no one knew what.

Robert sighed. "I really hope you're right."


The door of Emma's apartment opened.

"Belle, Mr. Gold. Come in," Killian said solemnly.

He led the couple into the living room where Emma sat on the couch with a quilt and a mug of hot coffee. She looked up and gave the Golds a sad smile.

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