Chapter 12

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Henry took a big breath as his eyes watched the lush honey blonde hair being flipped away from her fair face. She giggled as one of her friends said something. Henry's mouth curved up as he took in her pretty little smile. He wanted her to smile like that for him. That thought suddenly racked up Henry's nerves and all he wanted now was a drink. But he really doubted Granny would be happy if he were to order a beer from her. He put his head in his hands and groaned.

Felix patted his back. "Come on! What are you even nervous for? Just ask her," he said.

Henry glanced at Felix, then looked back at the girl who had his heart tied in knots from the moment they met again earlier in the school year--Wendy Darling.

It was only a little bump in the hallway, and he'd known her since the third grade, but he actually hadn't really noticed her until this year. Not after she had bloomed like a beautiful white blossom over the summer.

Henry and Wendy had always been good acquaintances and exchanged words every now and then, but they weren't super close. Henry wanted to change that. The problem is, he could hardly utter a comprehensive sentence around her these days.

"Forget it, I'll screw it up again," Henry said and started to leave but Felix blocked his way.

"No, I'm not letting you this time."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to see you moping around for the next few weeks, crying about how you 'missed your chance.' It's lame," Felix said.

Henry sat back down on the stool. "Fine," he groaned.


Henry sighed and looked back at Wendy at the back booth. How was he supposed to approach her with all her friends around?

"So, what do I do now?" he asked, hoping his friend would give him advice. But he didn't receive an answer.

"Felix?" Henry looked back to see Felix's attention elsewhere. Particularly on a sexy waitress with long brown hair approaching them.

"Hey boys, what can I get you," Ruby chirped.

Felix put his arms on the counter and leaned forward. "Hey Ruby," Felix said, nodding his head up at her. He smiled that sly smile he always used on girls he found attractive.

Ruby sighed and rolled her eyes playfully. "What, Felix?"

Felix shrugged. "Nothin'. Just thought maybe we could have a little...'repeat' of that other night...maybe even more?" He winked. "You're grandma runs a little motel here right? How about you steal a key for a room and you and me can have some real fun."

Ruby scoffed. "I don't think so."

Felix's smile faded. "What?"

"You heard me." She crossed her arms and looked at him as if he were a joke.

"But--but--" Felix stuttered. Henry stifled his laugh. It was always funny to see Felix get owned. Especially by a girl.

"Sweetie, I only gave you that kiss because you wouldn't shut up. I date men, not little boys." Ruby leaned in and whispered mockingly, "It's illegal you know."

"Who gives a fuck? People do illegal shit all the time in this town! And I'm no little boy! I'm turning 18 in a few months!" Felix shouted, banging his hand on the counter.

Ruby just stared and arched her brow. She leaned back in until her face was inches away from Felix's and stroked his cheek, pushing a blond tendril back over his ear. Her cleavage heaved upward as she breathed around his mouth, put her lips to his ears and whispered loud enough for Henry to hear, "I guess you'll just have to wait until then." She kissed his cheek, trailed her finger around his jawline, then sauntered away.

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