Chapter 35

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"Goddammit James! Why are you doing this?" Robert growled as the officers kicked he and his wife out of the station.

James just sighed sympathetically. "I'm just doing my job Mr. Gold. If I could, I'd get you in to see Henry but I can't. Mr. Spenser would have my head. Again I'm really sorry."

Robert wanted to break something. He knew James was a good man, a law-abiding citizen and police officer, so he couldn't be blamed for this. But Robert was still angry and frustrated and afraid. Now he was even more impatient to see Regina and was discouraged at her absence. Otherwise, he would have been on his way to see her now.

"But I--" Robert started, desperately.

"I suggest you two get to your places of work. Keep yourselves busy. It should help." James gave them a nod and went back inside, leaving the Golds standing there restless.

"He's right Robert," Belle said, sadness clear in her voice. "I have to get to the library and you have your duties at the office. And also you're training a new potential employee later to run your shop for you right?"

Robert tsked in annoyance. He just wanted to call off all his work and lay in bed. And he was in no mood to train a newbie, especially when so few people came to his store anymore.

"I may as well just close that damn shop for good," he grumbled. "What's the point? And I have two other shitty jobs to keep us going for who knows how long..."

Belle hugged him, placing her head on his chest. "Robert don't talk like that. You've been wanting your own shop for so long."

"But I didn't think it would be like this."

They stood quiet, holding each other in a comforting embrace. Neither of them wanted to let go, because letting go would mean getting back to the reality of their crap life. Things were so much nicer, so beautiful, when it was just the two of them, much like their recent anniversary. Robert wished to go back to that time and relive it again. The only thing he would do different is never come back. And that made him feel guilty. He couldn't possibly want to leave Henry in this hellhole. Even Emma, as hard headed as she was, didn't deserve to be here.

Belle pulled back, looking a bit ill. Robert furrowed his brows, concerned as he held her hands daintily. "What is it?" he asked.

Belle walked away from him to the corner of the building where a trash can stood. She bent over it, gagged, then threw up. Robert quickly went over and held her hair behind while rubbing soothing circles on her back. He glared at anyone who looked in their direction with disgust.

After Belle was done, she took a deep breath and moved away from the trash, her face heated and sweaty.

"We should go home and freshen up," she said, taking a look at Robert's frazzled form.

"Are you sure you're ok?"

Belle nodded rapidly. "Yes I think so. It's the stress. That's for sure."

Robert stood in front of her and held both her shoulders. He looked into her eyes with determination. "Killian's not going to get away Belle. He'll get what's coming to him. All vile men do, some way or another."

Belle bowed her head, not really wanting to speak after the sickness she let out of her stomach. She allowed him a small smile because of course, she believed him.

He led her back to the Cadillac and they drove home.


When they got back to the house, Belle immediately went into the kitchen to grab a glass of cool water. Robert trudged upstairs and lay down, pulling the comforter over himself, not really wanting to get ready to do anything. He was dressed, but the earlier ordeals sucked the life out of him and made him look ragged. He should probably put on a cleaner shirt and comb his hair out, but it felt even better to simply stay in bed.

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