Chapter 44

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Robert shoved open the closet door, rummaging violently inside for the weapon he was looking for. Through his brutal haste, it didn't take him long to find it--the cane.

He grabbed it and stumbled down the stairs, bursting out the front door in seconds.

"Shit!" he shrieked at the car missing from the driveway. He didn't really have time to wonder why the fuck Belle would want to take that thing out, his main concern was on Belle herself, and he hoped to God that she wasn't hurt by that sadistic lunatic. He couldn't stand to think of her alone with him for one more minute. And he also wanted desperately to know what the hell Killian meant when he mentioned Neal. Robert had no fucking clue that his son had even KNOWN Killian. What was this supposed to be? Some sort of sick bait? And even if it wasn't, he had a sinking feeling now that whatever had happened to Neal wasn't some sort of random tragic outcome of life. No, Neal's death wasn't just any old death. If it involved Killian, it could have only ended in murder.

Robert raced as fast as he could in the direction of his shop, panting and heaving uncontrollably. He knew he looked ridiculous to everyone he passed by, judging from their stupefied reactions and the way they jumped out of his way in fear he'd strike them with that cane like a total madman. It was a good thing. No one dared try stopping him or asking him what was wrong like they would to anyone who wasn't him.

Finally, he arrived. He wobbled his extremely exhausted self over to the door (of course the lock had been broken), making his way inside the dull emptiness that was once his pawnshop.

"B-Belle?" he gasped when he saw her lying in the middle of the floor passed out, arms and legs tied, mouth gagged. "Belle!"

He began trampling towards her when he noticed Killian stepping out of the back room.

"Hold it right there Mr. Gold," he commanded.

Robert froze, gritting his teeth, eyes flashing dangerously at the simpering man across him.

"You," he rasped out. "What did you do?...WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" He lunged forward only to be held back by a strong set of arms, the cane ripped out of his grasp, and thrown on the floor.

What the fuck? Robert wriggled and turned his head.

It was Keith. Robert hadn't even noticed he was in the room all this time. Probably to prevent him from leaving, though that couldn't possibly happen. Robert would never leave without Belle.

Suddenly she stirred, glimpsing at him through half-lidded eyes. "Mm....?"

"What did you do?" Robert cried, still trying to pull away from Keith.

"Are you going to calm down?" Killian asked nonchalant. "If not, this'll go nowhere."

Belle faded in and out of consciousness. Killian smiled. "Don't worry," he said. "She's waking up. And just in time too."

"Please," Robert begged. "Just tell me what you did. Is she going to be..."

"She'll be fine. Don't know about the little one you've planted in her however, which by the way, congratulations I guess."


"Yes, I know. And it's all thanks to Granny's sweet little lunch notes she passes around to her dear favorite customers. Don't ask. Now will you calm down and listen to me? I have a story to tell. Belle sweetheart." He nudged her with his foot, making Robert want to scream. "Wake up. I want you to hear this."

"Why?" Robert said, devastated but composing himself. "Why are you doing this? And what is this about....about Neal?" He teared up, fearing the worst already. "You did something to him, didn't you?"

No Love Lost (Rumbelle AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora