Chapter 9

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Henry made his way quickly down the dim lit street on the quiet side of town. It was late, but he knew he wouldn't be in trouble. His mother was too busy with Killian these days to really notice him much, and when she did get upset he could always count on Killian to talk some sense into her. Henry was no longer a child, he should be able to do whatever he wanted. He didn't care to stay at home much anyway. Other than playing video games with Killian (which he enjoyed) there wasn't much to do. Tonight when he had left the house, his mother and Killian had been fighting again. They seemed to be doing that a lot lately.

Henry turned the corner of the shabby brick building of the old drugstore and saw his three other buddies: Drew, Aaron, and Chris under the streetlight, leaning against the wall of the building. There was one other person missing however.

"Hey guys," Henry said.

"Hey what's up," Drew greeted while the other two nodded their heads hello.

"Where's Felix?"

"He said he'd be here any minute. Probably went to Granny's first," Chris replied.

"Let me guess, it's Ruby's shift?"

The guys nodded. Henry rolled his eyes and smiled to himself. Felix always had such a hard-on for that girl. Henry didn't blame him at all.

He and his friends chatted for a minute or two until they heard rustling come around the corner. They turned their heads to see Felix walking over to them with a smug smile as he slurped his milkshake. The cup read "Granny's Diner."

"'Sup guys," he said, fist bumping Henry.

"So you were at Granny's," Aaron stated, laughing.

"Oh yeah," Felix confirmed, smiling that smug smile again.

"What happened?" Henry asked.

Felix leaned coolly against the wall. "Let's just say I got a little one on one time with a certain hot waitress."

"No way!" they shouted.

"Details, man. Details!" said Aaron.

"A man doesn't kiss and tell," he winked.

Henry's eyes widened in surprise. "You KISSED her?"

Felix's shrugged pretending to be indifferent, but Henry could tell he was beyond proud.

"You're lying," Henry insisted.

"Yeah what do you know? You've never even kissed a girl," Felix pointed out, jabbing Henry's chest with his finger.

"It's 'cause he's too much of a nice guy," Drew teased.

"And a pussy," Chris added.

Henry's face reddened a little as the boys laughed. "Fuck you," he muttered.

"Heyyy we kid, we kid," Felix assured. "But seriously man, you're falling behind. You know how old I was when I first kissed a girl? Twelve. And when I first fucked one? About your age." He threw the empty milkshake cup aside and took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

Henry looked at him. Felix had never told him this information before. About his first kiss, yes but the first time he had sex? This was new.

"Really?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yeah," Felix said, lighting up. He passed the pack on to Henry, who took one tar stick for himself, then passed the rest of the pack.

"You never said anything to me before," Henry mentioned.

"Yeah that's 'cause you were still a baby," Felix mocked. "I couldn't risk you telling your mommies on me. 'Mommy, Mommy Mills, Felix said he had sex! Sex! With a girl! What does it mean?'" He used a high shrill voice that had the other guys doubled over in laughter. Henry frowned and punched Felix's arm.

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