Chapter 19

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****Niall's POV****

The fact that I finished my test before Liam was absolutely terrifying. I bit on my nails frantically as I sat in the tiny waiting room, staring at the door Liam would be coming out of. Liam wasn't crazy, I didn't know why I was so worried anyways. They'd realize he was just worked up and upset about the whole test thing and let him and I both go...hopefully. I hummed softly to try and distract myself, but I was still worried. There was no way to know for sure what they were exactly looking for! Maybe they'd admit me because I was too calm! I groaned, throwing my hands over my face as I sank into the flimsy chair. 

"Niall!" Liam shrieked, running through the door and over to me. I clumisly stood up as his body slammed up against mine and I held him tightly. 

"We need to go over the results...please wait here," the nurse spoke, but I could tell in her eyes she'd already made up her decision. 

"Niall, oh my precious Niall," Liam whispered, blubbering into my shirt and I held him, wondering what had happened. I kissed his head and rubbed his back as he continued to sniffle and sob. 

"Niall...listen to me...I called the other day..and I-" he started, but he didn't get to finish as the nurse came back out and held the door open. I stared at Liam in confusion, wondering what in the world he was trying to explain to me. It didn't matter, I took his hand tightly in my own as we followed the nurse into a room where a nurse was holding a pile of clothes and some restraints hung on the wall. I blinked in horror, realizing that one of us wasn't leaving...

"Please, both of you have a seat," the nurse said soothingly as Liam hypervenilated, his hand shaking as I held it. Surely they wouldn't keep my perfect Liam here! He was perfectly sane! 

" of you failed the test," the nurse came out and said it and my heart dropped and Liam was biting his lip so hard, blood was appearing. I quickly reached up and wiped it as he squeezed my hand so hard the circulation ceased. 

"Now Mr. Horan, Mr. Payne here called the other day expressing that in the past you had hallucinations, nightmares, and acts of violence, but upon therapy recovered, but seemed to relapse," she started and I looked at Liam who just stared at me with tears pouring down his face as he mouthed 'I'm sorry'. I ripped my hand from his as I shook my head in horror. I couldn't believe Liam would go behind my back like that!

"Both of you, please," the nurse whispered and I sharply turned my head away from Liam, not understanding how someone I loved so entirely much would go so far as to sneak behind me and have me locked up...

"Mr. Horan, upon this phone call we immediately made the decision to have you become a member of the institute and had this test planned because you are acting now, it would be almost impossible for a patient to willingly accept this and to give up everything else they had," the nurse continued and I swallowed hard, my heart racing. As mad as I was at Liam, I still lvoed him unconditionally, and the thought of not being able to hear his voice, his laugh, feel his touch, or even to just look at him for who knew how long, absolutely killed me inside. I wanted to be mad at Liam, but in a way I knew he was just looking out for me, but Liam didn't understand the kind of danger this put him in with Zayn when I wasn't there to protect him and due to the fact Liam didn't even believe me!

"We weren't planning on even examining your test until we admitted you, appears that Liam is actually the one we've decided needs to stay," the nurse continued, a small smile on her face as if this was just fine. I felt my entire world crumble and Liam burst into tears and fell to the floor. Liam had come to this appointment and planned on me staying, and now the tables had turned. 

"Based on his condition, we can't be sure if what he told us was the truth. You actually passed the test, but Liam failed, refusing to answer any question due his crying," the nurse explained, but I wasn't listening. I was just staring at Liam who was thrashing and fighting as they forced him into a straight jacket and he screamed bloody murder. 

"No, listen to me...Liam isn't crazy, he's perfectly sane! This is all a big mistake, he was just worried about the test...and now I know why...because he knew I wasn't going home with him," I tried to explain without breaking down, but the nurse just gave a slight head shake as Liam's screams grew louder and I saw a nurse near him with a needle. 

"Wait! No! Please...let us say goodbye and everything," I practically begged as I jumped in front of my bound up Liam. The nurse looked at the other nurse with the needle and they nodded as they slowly stepped into the hallway. When the door closed, I just looked down for a minute before turning around and seeing Liam looking the worst I'd ever seen him. 

"Oh Liam," I whispered shaking my head as I pulled him into me tightly. He sobbed into my shoulder and I continued to just hold him, to savor the moment. 

"I'm sorry Niall...I'm so sorry! All of this is my fault! If I hadn't called or hadn't started crying or-" he blubbered, but I shut him up with a kiss. 

"Shh, calm down baby, shh," I whispered, wanting nothing but to soothe him. In a way, as sad as I was, I knew Liam would be safe if he were here and now all I had to do was hide out somewhere until Zayn finally gave up. 

"Niall, please...please don't let them make me stay! I'm not crazy!" he cried and I nodded, wiping his tears as I tried with every bit of me to fight off my own tears. 

"We're going to work this out. It's going to be okay. They're going to see you're not crazy! If they don't, I'll come in here and get you out myself! And if I can't, I sure as hell know that Kate and Jay will not let you stay here!" I exclaimed quietly, assuring Liam I wasn't going to let him stay here. 

"I love you babe, so so sooo much. You are my entire world, and I'll be damned if they keep you from me," I continued and Liam leaned into me as I hugged him tightly. 

"I love you Niall, I love you more than I could ever love anything. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he whimpered before I pulled him in for a powerful kiss. I brushed back his hair and kissed his forehead firmly before giving him one more kiss. 

"You're going to be okay," I said, reassuring myself more than I was trying to reassure him. He gave a slight nod, pushing his lips up to mine once more. I opened the door and the nurses came back in and looked at us. 

"I'll be giving you a call later Mr. Horan. We'll speak about treatment and future visitations," she said softly and I slowly nodded my head. It hadn't hit me yet that I was leaving this place and going back to Liam's flat without Liam. It was almost like a nightmare. I was going to be alone for the first time in a year and this time Liam was locked up while I had to deal with the baddies. 

"I love you," I mouthed as I slowly walked out of the room as I watched Liam's eyes swell up with more tears. He tried to force a smile, but failed miserably. 

"I love you more," he whimpered and I stared at him for as long as I could until the door finally closed, and I was on my own again. 

A/N: ....Don't hate me? Please?

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