Ch 12 Confession time

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It's been a full week since I have last seen Cole.

A full freaking week.

His friends haven't been in school either, which leads me into thinking that something bad happened to him. And in all truth, I was worried about him. I wanted to know that he was safe- I needed to know. Just the thought of Cole being hurt or in trouble made me want to rush to his aid.

Maybe it was something I did.

WAIT. He hurt me. He was the one that was about to nearly kill me. Why did I care? I have no reason to.

"Something bothering you?" Mandy asked me

"No... well..." I trailed off, unsure if I should tell her the truth.

We were walking back from school.

"Mandy, I'm worried about Cole. Actually, I am terrified." I whispered, turning to face her.

"I can't help it, I feel connected to him. I cant describe it, but I feel like it's necessary to be with him always." I whispered the last part, staring at the sidewalk.


I looked up at Mandy, confused. She was tensed up and had gone completely pale.

"Wh-When you touch him or he touches you... Do you feel sparks?" She asked quietly, searching my eyes with hers.

"How-" I started asking

"Damn it Christina, answer the question!" She snarled, becoming more frantic.

"Yes. There are sparks. No- more than that. It's like there are freaking fireworks going off overtime we touch, and don't get me started on the kisses." I admitted

"Fuck." She muttered, "Listen, I have to go, see you tomorrow?"

She didn't let me answer, just walked away.

What was that all about?


Ian's POV

I was casually sprawled out on the couch- exhausted.

Today had been hectic.

First of all, Cole was still all angry and violent even though it's been a week since the accident.

Second of all, the pack members started moving in today, which meant we had a pack meeting tonight.

And lastly, today was my eighteenth birthday- today I was supposed to finally find my mate.

I knew I had to find my mate, my wolf was begging me to, but I was just too tired. I could hear Cole throwing stuff around in his room, and was forced to ignore the questioning looks from the other pack members who were carrying their stuff inside.

Sometimes I wish I could run away.

But I just couldn't.

Not only am I the beta of the most respected/ feared pack in the world, but I live in the best town. Well it was. Before, this town used to be only made up of werewolves and witches. It still is, that is if you don't include the Fellows.

See, we only let her family move here because we thought they were werewolves too. I mean, Christina's father had been one, so I guess we just assumed.

Oh just give up already, Mr. Alpha (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now