Ch 16 Locked in- literally.

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15 minutes went by.

Then 40 minutes.

Then an hour.

I stared at the horizon, still in shock.


Then I felt it.

The heartbreaking pain that filled my chest and caused me to crumble to the ground, choking out sobs.


I couldn't see a thing, blackness took over my vision- yet I was still conscious.

"Get Cole!" Someone ordered- Tucker, I think.

I remained lying there, sobbing my eyes out, the pain in my chest growing and growing. I felt as if I was dying, the pain was that bad.

I heard a series of footsteps.

"Oh my god. Christina!" Mandy exclaimed.


Who said that?

I continued sobbing, shaking violently in a tightly curled up ball.

"Everyone get away." Cole ordered.

With that I heard retreating footsteps.

Then I felt a hand on my arm.

Instantly, my vision cleared and I began screaming.

He looked surprised for a second, then clamped a hand over my mouth, muffling my screams and sobs.

I was still shaking uncontrollably, and continued screaming into Cole's hand as he lifted me up into his arms.

He carried me into the house, up the stairs, and into his room- despite my thrashing about. It annoyed me how he effortlessly carried me around, even when I was giving all that I had to get away.

"Just rest here," he said, lying me on the bed.

The second he placed me onto the bed, I curled up into a fetal position- continuing to sob and shake. Cole sighed at my actions, and left the room.


The next day (Satuday)

I woke up with a horrible headache, which was only a result of crying so much yesterday.

Unwanted memories came back to me.

My mom chose to leave me.

She didn't want me. Hell- I doubted that she even loved me in the first place.

"Good morning baby."

I screamed, jolting backwards off the bed with a load thud. Laughter filled my ears as my face turned a deep red.

The laughter continued for a good ten minutes straight, then finally died down.

"Y-You s-should h-h-have seen your f-f-face!" Cole spluttered out, still amused.

I opened my mouth, surprised.

Then I scrambled to my feet and fled from the room.


Because of embarrassment? Hell no- because I had the chance to escape.

And there I was, heading for the door, when Cole appeared in front of me. I shrieked and began backing

Oh just give up already, Mr. Alpha (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now