Elias, The Mask

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"London is in an uproar as protestors swarm the assembly."

"People here are angry," one reporter was struggling to be heard and the camera shook as the cameraman struggled to stay steady in the energized crowd. "You can feel the rage in the air. These are people that have had enough."

"Yesterday the Princeps used his delaying veto against the Nation's True Hearts."

There was an interview with Percy Hamish, a member of the True Hearts:"He voted against a measure to solve the unemployment crisis throughout the country."

Protestors were interviewed: "You're out of work. You can't afford medical care. You're struggling to support your family. This man doesn't care. He's proven now that he doesn't care."

"This man is pure evil."


Briana found Antonia watching Dalton sleep. He was sat at the dining table, his head resting on his folded arms. Briana leaned against the doorframe in silence for a long while. She watched Antonia drape a shawl over Dalton's skinny shoulders.

"He looks like Nathanial when he's asleep," Antonia commented softly. Briana started in surprise, she hadn't realized Antonia had known she was there.

"Hmm," Briana replied noncommittedly. Honestly, she thought Antonia was just seeing what she wanted to see.

"Your father's been gone for a long time," Antonia commented as they moved to sit down on the sofa. "Do you know what's going on?" 

Briana sighed. She looked up at their guards but the men weren't paying them much attention. They looked bored out of their minds.

"The True Hearts are trying to back him into a corner," Briana whispered.

"What should he be doing?"

Briana took Antonia's hand in hers.

"I don't think there's anything he really can do. Things are probably going to get a lot worse for us. But it isn't his fault so please don't blame him." 

Antonia pursed her lips and frowned deeply.

"It's never too late. Always something can be done."

"Being careful won't keep us safe. Being bolds too risky. We're in an unwinnable." Briana countered reasonably. 


Elias met Abel in the corridor. It was the first time they were alone together and Elias wasn't going to lose the opportunity. He cut directly into Abel's path.

"How are talks with the Princeps going?" Elias asked, smiling smoothly. Abel bristled on recognising the older man.

"He's refusing to back down."

"Ah," Elias had his hands clasped behind his back. He wore a fitted suit that hugged his trim figure and his silver hair was smoothed back in a stylish sweep. Abel was aware that standing beside him, he looked like an urchin in comparison.

"Perhaps you could help us. You were his friend."

"You won't persuade him." Elias asserted confidently. "He's far too principled to ever move an inch."

"Principled? It sounds like you admire him." Abel closed the gap between them - his eyes flashing dangerously. "Just whose side are you on in this?"

"The peoples." Elias smiled confidently, "How about you? You and Emily still seem very close."

Abel's jaw ticked and Elias' smile grew. "Tell me. Did you know who she was back then? Was it acting out some fantasy to be with her – your enemy's daughter?"

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