The Interview

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The next morning, Abel knocked on Briana's bedroom door.

"Come in." She called out. She started in surprise at seeing Abel. "Oh hey. Sorry, am I late for breakfast?" She quickly put on a dressing gown over her pyjamas.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." He looked uneasy.

"Ok..." She gestured for him to sit on her desk chair whilst she sat cross-legged on the end of the bed.

"Please don't be angry with me."

"I won't. Tell me – you've got me worried." She insisted nervously. Was she being sent back to prison?

"A man will come today to ask you some questions about..."

"About Antonia?"

Abel was wincing – ready for her anger. Briana sighed heavily. She'd known this was coming. The date of Antonia's execution had been hissing at the back of her mind since Richard's death. She knew from Hansel that there was nothing she could do to stop it. "I'm not mad, Abel. I know this isn't up to you." She stared down at her hands. Though it was a lie to pretend he hadn't played his part. He'd written articles against Antonia – fuelling public hatred – and his signature would be on her death warrant.

"Thank you." Abel appeared relieved. Briana forced a smile. He got to his feet but paused, gazing at her intently.


"When you broke up with me – why did you do it? Were you really... over me?"

Briana blinked in surprise. She didn't know how to answer. Things were complicated...

"Nathanial was dying...I didn't want to keep lying to my family. It felt wrong."

Abel nodded, his expression thoughtful.

"And now?"

"Now?" She asked as he approached the edge of the bed. She tilted her head back to look up at him.

"You're already my person," he reached out and tenderly caressed her cheek, "become my woman." 

Briana's breath caught.

"But I'm an Erebus. You could get in trouble. You could lose everything." 

He leant toward her, casting a shadow over her upturned face.

"We'll be discreet." He whispered huskily. Briana trembled. His nose brushed gently against hers. "Say yes."

The floorboards creaked in the hallway and Briana exhaled a trembling breath. Things were complicated. She wasn't who he thought she was. Fear prickled against her heart. What if it was Hungry Soul outside the door? She pulled back, scrutinising Abel's face. What if it was Hungry Soul looking at her through Abel's eyes right now? "Say yes to me."

Dropping her gaze, she got up from the bed – putting greater distance between them.

"I...I need some time." Copper curls spilt over her face and she pushed the loose tendrils behind her ear – bright locks she'd gotten so used to. "I've been through a lot."

Abel cleared his throat.

"I understand." His voice sounded rough.

"Abel-" He sped from the room – out the door before she could say anything else. Briana stared down the empty hallway – biting her lip nervously.

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