Cowards and Monsters

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"All this...the revolution," Briana swallowed, struggling with her words, "it wasn't supposed to happen?"

"It's taken me years -years of jumping between the right people and manipulating behind the scenes - to finally break the bonds between Princeps and people."

It felt like the world had shifted beneath her feet and Briana staggered.

"And it was all for's my fault?"

Hansel read the horror in her expression and he gripped her shoulders to get her to look up at him.

"They deserve this Briana."

"How-how come I remember that the revolution happened?"

"I jumped back in time. I took control of it – meaning I can alter the timeline. My guess is that you had no control over the jump." She nodded in agreement and he smiled sadly down at her. "You haven't been taught." But she would have been – in the other version of the future... 

This was a lot to take in. 

Hansel tapped her nose to get back her attention. "Nothing you do will change things now. Your future is set. You were meant to come here."

"No!" Briana twisted out of his reach and stepped back away from him. "No, I don't want to believe that!"

"Why?" Hansel seemed alarmed by her reaction. "What's wrong with the future?" 

Briana thought about this. The future had better equality, better living standards, and better education – there was good progress in technology and medicine. People were generally happy.

"Err nothing but...Dalton, Emily –"

"I know this is hard on you." His voice was very gentle, "you don't remember so you can't understand." She stared up at him. "But please trust me."

"Why are you crying?"

He brushed away his tears hastily, seeming embarrassed.

"I was so scared that I'd altered things too much. That you'd never be born. You asked me to come back, to do this work but I never could." He reached up to caress her cheek. "I couldn't risk losing you. When you died I – I couldn't ignore your request any longer."

Briana went very still. It was strange to be told things she'd said in another life. Strange to think there was a version of her that died. She didn't register Hansel's movements until she was already tightly enveloped in his embrace. "You have no idea how happy I am right now. We can be together." 

Briana's arms remained limply at her side.

"I-I'm very confused right now," she managed to stammer weakly.

Hansel sighed and let her go.

"I know. I know. Briana, we don't have much time. I'm being watched, I shouldn't be meeting with Emily." Right they were supposed to be on opposing sides – but they weren't, not really... right? Briana rubbed her forehead. This was far too much to suddenly take in. 

"You need to jump out of her body," Hansel told her - his tone firm. 


"Swap places with me." 

"I can't – I don't know how. Why don't you do it?" Briana spluttered, in a sudden panic. 

Hansel ran his fingers through his hair, ruining the suave style he'd been sporting.

"They call me Hungry Soul. I devour the soul when I jump into the body. It's what makes me the strongest but I also can't help it. You're a proper shifter – you swap places."

Darkest DawnTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon