Treading on Diamonds

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"You said that Dalton was ok!" Briana screamed at Abel. She'd trashed her room. Smashing and breaking everything she could – demanding that Abel come and speak with her. Eventually, he'd come – coat still on, fresh from Probitatis. Abel was staring at her like she was a mad person.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?! Pesky's an influential person – you could be thrown back in jail-"


Briana's chest heaved as she struggled to catch her breath and tears glistened in her eyes. "I want to see Dalton."

"You can't. Emily understand – this isn't my choice. It was decided-"

"Bend the rules! You do when it suits you."

Abel's cheeks flushed – his pride dented by her accusation.

"I do not."

"Oh really?!" Briana had to resist the urge to hit him. Never, never had she felt so angry – so less in love with him. "So the True Hearts decided that I should have all these nice things – the clothes – all these pretty baubles. No Abel you did. To try to win me back – you did that. But it means nothing! If you love me, Abel, then do something real. Do something real for me that will actually mean something. Help Dalton."

Tears slipped past her lashes, running down her face. Abel's brow furrowed.

"Emily," he entreated – reaching up to caress her face. But Briana knocked his hand aside.

"Don't touch me." Her gaze hardened. "I was wrong about you, Abel. You're not the man I thought you were. I should never have believed in you."

She retreated to the ensuite - slamming the door shut behind her. The handle trembled from the force of her actions. She heard Abel's retreating footsteps. A sob escaped her and Briana sank to the floor. She covered her face and brokenly wept.


Abel stormed into his bedroom. As the door was closing behind him Victoria caught it and held it open.


He roared – his temper exploding. Victoria flinched in surprise – staring wide-eyed at the back of Abel's head. She'd never seen Abel lose it like this. She watched him pick up a velvet box off the side and wrench it open. Tentatively Victoria stepped into the room. "Abel?"

The light caught something shiny. Abel threw it from his disgust – the offending jewellery item struck the window and fell to the ground, landing in the dust beneath the radiator. He sank down on the bed, head in his hands. "Abel," Victoria called softly, crouching down in front of him. "I'm sorry but there's a phone call. You have to take it." Abel sighed. "It's urgent."

"She'll never fall in love with me." His voice was so utterly defeated. Victoria's heart clenched painfully.

"Forget about her."

"I can't," he looked up and met Victoria's gaze, "she's here." He put his hand on his chest, clawing at the shirt as if he might rip out the broken organ beneath. "She'll always be here."

Victoria swallowed the lump that had risen in her throat.

"You need to take this call."

Obediently he got to his feet and - like a zombie – shuffled out of the room. Victoria straightened up, she made to follow but paused. Her head turned to look down at the item Abel had so furiously thrown aside. Before she was aware of her actions she was across the room to retrieve it. Victoria stared at the discarded necklace. It was lovely – elegant in its subtle design but far more precious than anything Victoria had ever owned. A gift for Emily Erebus...

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