Chapter 34

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//Peeta's pov//
I stumble into Katniss's room, seeing Plutarch standing next to her.
She's sitting up, and finishes her hushed conversation with Plutarch.
"What's going on"? I ask setting bags down.
"Just...plans.." Plutarch says stepping back.
-----------the next afternoon-----------
I stand next to Haymitch and Johanna as Katniss walks up to Snows podium, bow in hand.
~The Elimination~
Katniss raises her bow pointing it at President Snow, I can barely look at him, but I show mercy knowing it will be the end of him in a matter of seconds.
But the arrow doesn't land in Snow's heart, it lands in Coins.
My jaw drops, as the audience cries, and gasps.
Snow lets out a bloody laugh falling to his knees.
Katniss turns quickly getting bombarded by guards who take ahold of her.
I rush over punching and kicking them sending them to the ground till I reach Katniss.
I grab her hand and start sprinting away from the crowd who screams at her as we sprint through.
"Come on, it will be alright" I say looking over at her.
Katniss nods and we run to the nearest hovercraft, where our luggage waits.
Thanks Haymitch. For once he is a life saver.
"Get on" I say as a swarm of people run after us.
Katniss and I both run on holding our bags, as the hovercraft door shuts leaving everyone behind.
"Where to"? The pilot asks.

"District 12"

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