Chapter One - Fairytales Don't Exist

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Chapter One//Fairytales Don't Exist

'Last lesson on a Thursday afternoon' I thought to myself as I leaned on my hand, eyeing on the clock. It was like time was being slow... on purpose. sat at my desk, looking as bored as ever. Sighing heavily, I looked around the classroom, seeing my other classmates doing their English task. My eyes then landed on my teacher, who was also observing the classroom with a huge smile on his face, checking if everyone was doing their task. Well, I wasn't.

I have my reasons.

"Kylie, may I see your work?" I heard Mr Rome as he politely asked. I looked up at him, sighing softly as I gave him my sheet of paper. He took it from me, reading it quietly in his head, adjusting his glasses.

With a disappointing look presented on his face, my English teacher shook his head and glanced at me, returning back my 'work'... if you could call it that. "Oh dear, oh dear..." His voice started, letting out a sigh. "The only thing you have put is 'fake'. Would you care to explain, please, why you have done that?" By now, all of the class had their eyes on me, waiting for my answer.

"Well, you see, sir." I answered, clearing my throat. "Fairytales truly don't exist."I smiled proudly, folding my arms. "If so, explain why there's no fairies flying around or that our parents actually is the one who buys us presents. And please don't get me started on how Santa Clause can travel around the world in one night."

It's true. All the years being lied to about the adventures of Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland etc. They don't exist. Not even Santa Clause.

"I think they do, Kylie. You just gotta believe. Seeing isn't always believing." He tapped his nose, before moving the bridge of his glasses up. "Even if you don't believe in them, you still have to write a story in the theme of one." He told me, giving back my sheet. "This is not an essay or a documentary about whether Fairytales exist or not." He calmly finished, as some members of the class let out a giggle.

And that's funny because...?

He walked back to the front of the class and clear his voice, catching everyone's attention as the the class went silent.

"But it's my opinion..." I muttered, placing my head on the desk, still listening to what he had to say.

"Right Class!" He clapped his hands, radiating a smile on his face. "I expect you to complete this task for homework tomorrow. Especially you, Kylie." He added, eyeing at me. I frowned as I slowly looked up at him. He was about to speak but moments later, the red bell suddenly send the most annoying sound going off, signalling it's time to go home.

"Finally, Thursday's done." I sighed in relief as stood up, heading through the exit of the Gates of Hell and made my way walking to home. "I think they do!" I said, starting to mock Mr Rome, kicking a pebble on the ground. "No one asked you for your opinion, sir." I sighed.

"Pinky!" I heard someone calling me, making me pause my tracks.

Gosh how I hate that nickname-

Vanessa Divante. I turned around folding my arms as I saw her running towards me. "Oh Kylie, my phone was taken from me by the principal. What am I supposed to do?" She said, panicking, as if receiving the answers would make me her saviour.

"Well, Number 1, may I ask why were you on it?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"You see, Jason actually text me. He was texting me cute stuff and it was so sweet." Cringe alert!

  I hate them couples who say the ridiculous way to say 'I love you'.

Like just say those 3 words.

"Good for you..." I said sarcastically, folding my arms. She giggled as she nudged me and wiggled her eyebrows.

"One day, that would be you." She winked. Pfft- As if!

But dear reader, please bare in mine, this ain't a romance story.

"Vanessa, don't you have a spare phone at home?" I asked, changing the subject as her eyes quickly widened.

"Ooh yeah!" She lightly tapped her head, before facing her best friend. "I completely forgot! I need to get it. Thank goodness you're my bestie. Anyway, Ttyl!" She waved as started running again.

"Vanessa, you know this ain't the virtual world!" I called out."But talk to you later."  Laughing, I watched her running off.

"That girl... She is something else..."

Pink Alice {Editing in Progress}Where stories live. Discover now