Chapter 24

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A/N: Hey guys! I just want to remind you that I'm still in school and yes, I've told you guys before but some of you want me to update every hour of the day. I really wish I could update every hour because I love writing this book and I love you all even more. I can't write at school because if I do I'll get my phone taken and I can't write with no phone. Also I can't write if my homework isn't done because if I do then my parents and teachers will murder me and I definitely can't write the book if I'm dead 😂 I really hope you understand and can see things from my point of view. Now I'll shutup and enjoy chapter 24.

Evie's P.O.V

After having the best birthday of my life, I tucked Evelyn and Carter in bed and went back to Carlos and I room. I saw him sitting on the bed and snuck up behind him and hugged him.

"Guess who" I say. "Its the birthday girl" he says turning around to face me.

"Thanks for giving me the best birthday of my life" I say with a smile. "You deserve it" he responded lightly blushing. "You're so adorable" I say cheesing. Both of us were leaning in and as our lips were bout to touch we hear a scream.

"What was that" I say pulling away. "Nooooo help" we hear. "Oh my god, its Carter" I scream. Both of us get up and run to the kids room.

When we walk in we see just Carter hiding under the covers of his bed. "Carter sweetie, are you ok?" I ask sitting next to him. I look to see a tear falling down his face. "Carter, please tell me where Evelyn is" I say to him while rubbing his back.

"A crazy girl took her mommy" he says between sobs. "What crazy girl?" Carlos asks while sitting on the other side of him.

"I think she said her name was Jane" he said.

Carlos and I slowly looked up at each other with panic written all over our face. "No, I thought we were done with this" I say standing up. "This cannot be happening again. Why our daughter Carlos? Not on my birthday!" I say while starting to cry.

"Evie, it's ok. We'll get her. Jane never wins" Carlos says reassuring me.

I hug Carlos and cry into his shoulder as Carter runs over to us and cries onto Carlos as well. "Don't worry. We will have Evelyn by our side again. I promise" he says to us. I feel him kiss my forehead making me feel a little more comfort. "Carter, you can sleep in the room upstairs with Uncle Jay and Auntie Lonnie. Mommy and I will be back with Evelyn soon" Carlos says to him.

I watch as Carter grabs his pillow and runs upstairs to find Jay's room.

"What if we don't find her" I say worrying. "Evie, we'll find her" he says grabbing my hand and running downstairs to get Ben and Mal.

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