Chapter 23

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After we all finish eating dinner, Carlos and I tucked the kids in bed. "Goodnight kiddies" I say turning the light out.

As I close the door, Carlos picks me up and starts carrying me.

"Carlos, put me down" I demand. "Nope" he responds. He carries me all the way to our room and plops me down on the bed. "Dude, what up" I say while laughing. "We haven't had much alone time lately" he says with a smirk.

"Oh you dirty birdy" I say giggling.

"Carlos I'm too sleepy" I say laying in bed. "Its cool. You won't be able to resist much longer" he says laying next to me. "Shutup Carlos" I say with a laugh.

Carlos P.O.V//4 Days Later

"Ok guys. Evie will be back soon so we have 3 hours to set up for her party" I say to all my friends.

"Mal, you'll handle music. Ben, you'll handle the cake. Audrey, you're on decorations. Jay, you're on birthday games. Lonnie, you sit everybody at their seat. Chad...don't touch anything" I say making everybody laugh at the last part.

"Let's make this Evie's best birthday ever!!" Mal shouts with excitement.

"Daddy" I hear from behind me. I turn around to see Evelyn and Carter standing there. "Can we help give mommy a good birthday too please?" Evelyn asks. "Of course. Mommy would love that" I say to them with a smile.

"Uncle Carlos, I wanna help Auntie Evie too" Macie says jumping in. "Ok you three, go help Auntie Audrey with decorations." I say pointing to Audrey as they all run off to her.

I put all of Evie's presents on her present table and help set up other things.

3 hours later, Evie pulls up in the driveway.

"Everybody hide" I whisper yell. Lonnie turns the light off and we all pick a place to hide. We hear the keys outside and as soon as the door opens and she turns the light on, we all jump up and yell "SURPRISE!" making her jump.

"Oh my goodness! she squeals.

Who planned this?" she asks surprised. Everybody points at me and I give her a warm smile. She runs up to me and jumps on me, kissing me tenderly.

"Awwwe" we hear all our friends say. "Carlos you're amazing" she says with a smile.

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