Chapter 25 ~ Mature conversations

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Hey y'all! Sorry for the wait AGAIN, but I'm still super busy. I'm really trying. Anyway I hope y'all enjoy this chapter. We're getting close to the end :( only a few chapters left. 

Warning: discussions of sex. 

"Cas...I was eh- I umm wanted to talk to you about...something." Joe stuttered.

"What's wrong?"

Joe frowned.

"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong."

"Yeah there is. I can tell. You're nervous. You're never nervous, not with me." Caspar stated.

He grabbed Joe's waist from where he was sitting and Joe stood between his legs, leaning against him and nodding. 

"Okay, yeah. Um I was just thinking about how you want to wait for the perfect moment to have sex and uh...of course I want that too. But I-I was just thinking that we should about it," Joe rambled, "only if you want."

"Yeah of course. That's a great idea. Very mature of you." Caspar smiled.

Joe's face lit up and he visibly relaxed.

"Yes well, I am very mature. Did you know that I'm 26?" he laughed.

"Yes I know. This age difference is sexy." Caspar teased.

Joe laughed.

"Yeah it is kind of sexy." he agreed.

"Very sexy." Caspar corrected.

"Very sexy."

Joe leaned in and pecked him on the lips, then leaned back and smiled. 

And fuck. That smile. That smile fucked Caspar up. He would do anything for that boy. For that smile.

Joe looked at him for a few moments before building up the courage to continue.

"Would you want top or bottom?" Joe mumbled.

He was blushing like crazy and Caspar's heart melted at the sight.

"How do you expect us to have sex if you can't even say the words top or bottom without blushing?" he laughed. 

"What? I am not blushing." Joe gasped. 

"Yes you are," Caspar teased, "and here I thought this was supposed to be a mature conversation."

"Shut up." Joe shoved him.

"Okay, okay," Caspar held up his hands in surrender, "um...I think I'd rather top but only if you're comfortable with that." 

"Yeah. I'd like that." Joe nodded.



"Okay. We'll do that then." 

Joe leaned in and kissed him again, slowly at first and his arms tightened around Joe's waist. Joe pressed against him as their lips and tongues intertwined.

"This mature conversation might be a bit difficult if I have a boner," Caspar said as he pulled away, "so you're gonna have to stop doing that."

"Doing what?" Joe asked innocently. 

"Kissing me like that," Caspar answered with an amused smile, "and practically grinding against me."

Joe giggled and pressed a sweet kiss to Caspar's cheek before starting to move away. 

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