Chapter 17 ~ Cherries and tequila

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Hey y'all sorry I haven't updated this story in a while I've been busy at school. I have exams :/ anyway here's a new chapter for y'all. 

I've decided to do a quick recap for anyone who's completely forgotten what's going on cause honestly same. 

Joe has come out as gay. Caspar has come out as bi. They kissed but blamed it on being drunk. Zalfie got engaged. Joe and Caspar are going to the Zalfie wedding together on a 'friend date.' Joe started dating Ian but is thinking about breaking up with him. Both boys have realised their feelings for each other and are freaking out. They slept in the same bed again cause they're 'friends.' 

That's basically it. Enjoy.

"I love waking up in your arms." Joe said as he yawned.

Caspar froze.

He opened his eyes slowly and looked down at Joe who was snuggled into his chest. His arms were wrapped around Joe's tiny frame. 

Joe looked up at him and smiled.

"What?" he asked.

Caspar shook his head and looked away. 

"Um no nothing. I just forgot you were here." he said.

"You mean in my own bed?" Joe laughed. 

"Oh yeah. Right, this is your bed. I'm sorry, I'll go." 

"Stay," Joe said, "I-I mean you're comfy stay."



"Maybe okay can be our always." 

Joe elbowed him in the ribs.

"Shut up you dork." 

Caspar laughed and tried to fall back asleep.

Emphasis on the tried. Because he couldn't. At all. His heart was beating way too fast and he wondered if Joe had noticed. 

Joe however was too busy worrying about the butterflies in his stomach to notice Caspar's fast heartbeat. 

It just felt so nice. So good. So perfect.

They fit together so well. Like they were meant to be.

'But Joe has a boyfriend' Caspar has to remind himself before his mind takes him too far. 'And even if he didn't, I don't stand a chance.' 

•  •  •

"I'm gonna do it Zoe. I'm gonna break up with Ian. I have to. I can't go on like this. It's not fair to him and it's not fair to me." Joe rambled through the phone.

"Okay Joe calm down. I understand, you don't have to explain yourself to me." Zoe replied.

Joe let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. 

"Hmm...does this have anything to do with a certain South African blondie?" Zoe teased.

Joe blushed and shook his head before rememembering that Zoe couldn't see him. 

"No. No of course not. That is not it at all. No." He muttered.

"Who are you trying to convince here Joe?" Zoe laughed.

Joe sighed and said his goodbyes to his sister before hanging up and throwing his phone across the room onto his bed. 

'At least she supports my decision,' he thought, 'even if she is completely taking advantage of the fact that I told her about how I feel about Caspar.'

As if reading his mind, Zoe texted him a minute later.

Zoe: you know I'm just teasing you broseph. but seriously my advice still stands...tell him. love you x

Joe: oh piss off Zoe. 

Joe: jokes love you too x

•  •  •

"It's Caspar isn't it?" 

"What? What does Caspar have to do with any of this?"

"You're in love with him." 

"I...I'm not in l-love with him." Joe stuttered turning his gaze away from Ian. 

"Look I get it you love him and you don't love me. I understand," Ian said as he stood up and grabbed his phone and coat, "Joe come on don't look so sad about this. You knew it was bound to end at some point. Besides you just broke up with me. I should be the one that's upset." 

"Why aren't you? Upset I mean? Don't you care at all?" Joe asked.  

"Of course I care Joe, I really like you. But I know I can't make you happy. And he can." Ian smiled at him sadly. 

Joe was about to respond but he stopped himself. Ian was right. He did love Caspar. And that broke his heart because Caspar obviously didn't love him back. So he'll just have to get over it. Move on with his life. 

"I should go." 

"Yeah...yeah I'll-yeah." 

"Goodbye Joe." 

Before Joe had a chance to even open his mouth, Ian shut the door behind him.

Joe wasn't sad. Not really anyway. But he was lonely. And the only cure he knew for loneliness was alcohol. Lots of alcohol.

•  •  •

Caspar came home two hours later to find Joe comfortably drunk. Not sober but not completely wasted either. 

He was sitting on the couch eating cherries. 

Caspar frowned at him, confused.

"Joe? Are you okay? I mean...what are" He asked.

Joe laughed a humourless laugh and shook his head.

"Guess what?" He said overly enthusiastically, "I broke up with Ian." 

He was slurring his words slightly but only just a bit.

Caspar couldn't help but feel relieved. He knew he didn't have a chance with Joe but at least he wouldn't have to watch Joe with someone else. For now at least.

He nearly smiled but then caught himself at the last second and realised he was being selfish. 

"I'm so sorry Joe. Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?" He asked kindly.

Joe shook his head.

"No you're not okay? Or no you don't want to talk about it?" Caspar tried again.

Joe just shook his head once more.

"Okay so let me get this right. You've just been sitting here drinking tequila and eating cherries?" 

Joe nodded as he popped another cherry into his mouth. 

"They're really good," he mumbled, "want a taste?" 


"They're in the fridge if you want some." 


"What did you think I meant?" Joe smirked.

Caspar blushed.

" nothing...I-I just..umm..." he mumbled.

Joe giggled and Caspar awed inwardly because Joe giggling was the cutest thing he'd ever heard. 

"I'll just go get the cherries." he said as he left the living room.

"Bring some more tequila too." Joe shouted after him. 

"Already on it." Caspar muttered to himself.

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Again sorry that this took like 200 years. Hope y'all enjoyed!! New chapter hopefully soon. Lyl xxx

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