Chapter 9 ~ Nothing changes

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Okay so I don't know if people are actually enjoying this story but I like writing it so I don't know if I should continue or not... 

Anyway I hope y'all enjoy this chapter xxx

Caspar groaned internally as he tried to open his eyes. He had never been this hungover in his entire life. But then again he had never drank that much in his entire life.

He's past the point where he promises himself that he'll never drink again because he knows he won't stick to it. So he doesn't bother lying to himself. 

Suddenly he realised that his arms were wrapped around something...or rather someone. He didn't remember bringing a girl back last night...?

He finally opened his eyes and slowly turned his head. 

Joe. Oh shit. Fuck. No.

He suddenly remembered what happened last night. Not all the details. But enough to know that they kissed. Okay made out judging by the hickeys on Joe's neck. Did I give him those??

Oh my god what the fuck have I done? This is going to ruin our friendship. Well I did really enjoy last night. Shit don't think that. 

A million thought raced through his head. And then he remembered something else. It was Joe who had kissed him. Joe initiated it so technically this whole thing was Joe's fault. 

Caspar didn't know if he should wake him or just try to queitly slip out of his bed and hope he forgot about last night. He was absolutely wasted. There's a chance he didn't even remember.

Joe began mumbling something then and Caspar decided it was best to wake him. 

"Joe." He whispered, realising that his arms were still wrapped around Joe's waist and quickly releasing him.

"Joe wake up." He said a bit louder. 

"Mmm...what?" Joe muttered still half asleep.

"Joe you have to wake up this is serious."

He finally opened his eyes. 

"Cas? What are you doing in my bed?" Joe asked, "Oh shit. No. Shit. Shit. Shit."

Caspar realised by his reaction that he must remember.

"How much do you remember?" Caspar asked.

"Us kissing. You giving me hickeys and offering to give me a handjob...." Joe mumbled under his breath.

"What? I did not offer to...oh. Okay yeah maybe I did." Caspar said remembering more of last night.

Why the fuck did he want to give him a handjob? They're best friends. Shit we really fucked up. Caspar didn't know what to do or what to say. 

They sat there in silence for a few minutes before Joe spoke.

"Cas. Promise me this won't change anything between us. Please. You're my best friend I can't lose you."

"You could never lose me Jojo. This won't affect us at all. It was a one time thing. We're both straight."


"It didn't mean anything."


"It was just a drunken mistake."


"Sorry. What?"

"I'm not...I mean I'm..well you see...I.."

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