Chapter 3 ~ Dance with me

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As they walked into the Zalfie house, Joe could smell food. And alcohol. So much alcohol. Even though Zoe doesn't drink, whenever they have people over, her and Alfie buy so much alcohol. But hey, Joe's not complaining. 

Zoe welcomed them at the door and told them to go to the kitchen where everyone was helping prepare the food. 

"Hey guys!" Joe shouted as he walked in and saw Alfie, Marcus, Louise, Tanya, Jim, Troye and Tyler. 

"Heyyyyy." They all replied at different times making him laugh.

"I didn't know you guys were in England." Caspar said to Troye and Tyler excitedly. 

"Well, we are and let me tell you, tonight is gonna be wild." Tyler said winking at Troye. 

As Caspar and Joe began to set the table, there was a knock on the door and one minute later Dan and  Phil walked into the kitchen. 

"Wow," Joe said "literally everyone is here!" 

"Well I told you I would try and organise a group get together." Said Zoe. 

"Yeah I know. I just didn't expect everyone to show up." Joe said as Dan and Phil walked over and said hello to everyone.

When everything was ready and they were all sitting around the table digging into the delicious lasagne Zoe had made, Joe couldn't help but smile as he looked around. He has the most amazing friends. 

"You guys won't believe what happened," said Caspar, "me and Joe were in Starbucks and the girl at the till thought we were a couple." 

Everyone laughed. 

"It's not really that surprising though is it?" Marcus asked.

"Yeah, you guys do act like an old married couple." Said Alfie and everyone murmured in agreement. 

Joe felt himself blush.  

Caspar laughed. 

"We do not." Joe argued. 

"Yeah you do," said Zoe, "you guys cuddle and you always argue like an old couple. Just small little fights about silly things. But you can never stay mad at each other for long because you love each other."  

Joe thought about it and realised she was kind of right. They do bicker over stupid things and then foget about them 10 minutes later. And they do cuddle on the couch when they watch movies. And they also occasionally sleep in each other's beds when they're lonely or bored or scared. But those things are just normal things that friends do.

"Yeah cause we're mates." Joe said defensively. 

"Oh you would also kill anyone that insulted the other one." Marcus added. 

"We're best friends," Caspar said, "obviously we're protective of each other and we care about each other. That doesn't mean we're in love."

"We know, we know." Said Alfie. 

"We can still  hope..." Added Marcus smirking.  

And Troye muttered something about how much he ships Jaspar. 

They finished eating and moved over to the living room where a huge selection of alcohol awaited them. There was different types of whiskey, beer, champagne, gin, rum, wine and of course Joe's favourite. Vodka. Tyler walked straight over to the table and poured himself a glass of champagne. 

They all stared at him. He usually went straight for the gin. 

"What? I'm pacing myself tonight guys." 

They all laughed knowing it wasn't true. Joe went for some wine hoping to pace himself too but obviously that wasn't gonna work. He walked over to the speakers and turned on the music. They all talked, laughed, drank and danced. 

After his third glass of wine Joe reached for the vodka, already feeling tipsy. He's quite a lightweight. Tyler was already drunk off his ass by this stage having drank two glasses of champagne, a beer and multiple shots of gin. Marcus, Alfie, Jim, Dan, Phil, Troye, Tyler and Caspar were all a quite  tipsy too. Even Louise and Tanya were a little bit tipsy. Zoe was super giddy even though she hadn't even had a sip. Everyone was just in a good mood and they were all having fun.

"Dance with me." Joe heard someone shout over the music. 

It was Louise. 

"Okay," He laughed, "but you might have to hold me up." 

She giggled and they walked over to the 'dance floor' (place in the living room where everyone was dancing) and began moving along to the beat.

Joe's normally quite a good dancer but he was feeling quite drunk at this stage and wasn't doing as good. He thought Louise was gonna pee her pants from laughing but luckily she didn't. Everyone was drunk by now except for Zoe, and Jim who had decided to be sensible tonight and didn't drink as much. Tyler was obviously the worst. But Troye was looking after him ;) so he was alright. Although drunk Troye is probably not the best person to take care of drunk Tyler but who cares? Everyone's having a good time.

"Ahem," someone coughed, "mind if I cut in?" 

"Go ahead." Louise giggled and walked away to dance with Phil.

Joe turned around and saw Caspar looking back at him holding out his hand. Joe smiled and walked closer to him. He took both of Joe's hands and wrapped them around his neck, then placed his own hands around Joe's waist. Joe leaned in closer until his head rested on Caspar's shoulder and he closed his eyes.

Joe knew they probably looked like a couple but he didn't care. He was just having fun. Caspar and Joe are friends and they're close, that's all. Plus Caspar smelled really good. Wait what? Okay maybe Joe had drank too much. 

Someone stopped the music and Joe frowned as Caspar pulled away from him. He looked over and saw that it was Tyler. 

"Guys I h..have had the best..idea," he slurred his words slightly because of how drunk he was, "lettt's play..truth or dare!"

Okay I know this chapter was probably really bad but I really like it. It was fun to write. I hope y'all enjoy! Vote and comment if you did. Lyl xxx

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