Chapter 12 ~ Advice

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Hello!! First of all I'd like to say I'm so so sorry for not updating for so long. I've been super busy and I have exams and I'm just really stressed. I'm going to try and update this story more often as well as my oneshot book.

Does anyone even remember this book? Anyway I hope y'all enjoy this chapter.

Joe woke up sweating from a dream about a certain South African. No it was not Josh. And this dream was the opposite of platonic. He rolled over only to be met by Caspar's sleeping face. He smiled. Shit.

This was not good. Not good at all. He can't just have those kinds of dreams about his straight best friend. Who he likes. 

Joe quickly climbed out of Caspar's bed and Caspar mumbled slightly in his sleep but luckily didn't wake up. 

Joe knew what he had to do. There was only two people in the world that he went to when he had a problem. Caspar and Zoe. And since this time Caspar was the problem, he had to go to Zoe.

He quickly got dressed and grabbed his keys and phone. Before leaving he scribbled a quick note for Caspar. 

'Hey sleepyhead. I've gone to spend the day with Zoe. Don't worry about me, I'll be back tonight. Joe xx'

He contemplated scribbling out the x's but decided to leave them. Him and Caspar text with x's all the time anyway so it didn't matter. 

The train ride was supposed to be peaceful and give him time to think everything through. But there were so many people on the train and it was so noisy that he couldn't think.

He decided to text Zoe instead. He needed to let her know he's coming over anyway.

Joe: Hey Zoe, I'm on the train coming down to Brighton. I need to talk to you x

Zoe: Oh no. What's wrong? Are you okay? Is Caspar okay? x

Joe: Zoe calm down I'm fine. Caspar's fine. I just need your advice. And I wanted to talk in person x

Zoe: Okay. Don't scare me like that. When are you gonna get here? x

Joe: I'll be there in 20 x

Zoe: Okay see you then x

Joe put away his phone and stared out the window. He knew that if he wanted Zoe's advice he would have to tell her everything. That he thinks he's gay. That he likes Caspar. That he has no fucking clue what he's supposed to do now.

When did life become so complicated? 

•  • •

When Joe arrived at Zoe's, he was a nervous wreck. He still smiled though and gave her a big hug. 

"Hey Joe. Haven't seen you in so long." Zoe laughed.

"Yeh. I've just missed you so much since yesterday that I had to come and see you." Joe replied.

"Okay now seriously what's up?" 

"Is Alfie here?"

"No he's at the gym."

"Okay good. Not that I don't love the guy. It's just that...this is umm..private."

Zoe gave her brother a worried glance and they walked into the sitting room and sat down. 

"I don't know how to start."

"Why don't you start at the beginning?" Zoe laughed.

"Okay. see..the thing is.."

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