Chapter 23 ~ I need you

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Hey y'all. Sorry for the long wait. This is the longest chapter I've ever written and it contains smut so don't read if you're innocent. I put it between ***'s so you can still read the rest of the chapter. But if you like smut then go for it. Enjoy! 

Warnings: SMUT 

Joe woke up and decided that he wanted to spend the rest of his life in Caspar's arms. So he told him that. And Caspar laughed and agreed.

"We might have to leave this bed eventually though." Joe said.

"Yeah I guess you're right," Caspar paused, "but not yet."

He leaned in and kissed Joe softly on the mouth, just a small kiss at first. Then a slightly longer one although just as soft. And then another. And another. And another. 

Joe whined and tilted his head up. 

"Stop being such a tease you dick," he said, "kiss me properly."

"Like this?" Caspar asked. 

He leaned in and pressed their lips together, grabbing Joe's waist and quickly taking control of the kiss, weaving their lips together and moving his tongue against Joe's. Joe grabbed his hair and pulled at it gently. Caspar moaned into his mouth.

After a minute or so he pulled away.

"Yeah," Joe said, "something like that."

Caspar grinned and kissed Joe again. He would never get tired of kissing Joe. They cuddled and kissed and talked for hours. 

Caspar looked down into Joe's beautiful blue eyes and saw a hint of sadness in them. He frowned. 

"Joe?" He asked, "Joe, what's wrong?" 


"Joe. Please tell me what's wrong." Caspar insisted. 

"I'm just worried."


"What if it doesn't work? What if something happens and we break up? Or I do something to make you hate me? I don't think I could live with myself. What if we don't work out and we can't get our friendship back and I don't have you in my life anymore?" Joe asked.

"Joe. Baby...I won't let that happen. I could never hate you. And I know we can make this work beacause it's you. It's always been you. I care about you so much. So so much. You mean everything to me." Caspar said as he hugged Joe close.

"But what if-" 

"It'll be okay Joe. I promise it will be okay. We will be okay. But just so you know these last few days have been perfect. I'd rather have you and lose you than not have to at all."

•  •  •

"I think we should tell the boys," Joe said, "about us."

They were hanging out in Joe's room. And 'hanging out' means making out against the wall. Caspar leaned back a bit to look at Joe.


"Yeah, why not? Just casually mention it while we're out for food," Joe replied, "I don't want to make it a big deal.

Caspar smirked. 

"Wow, it's nice to know you don't think our relationship is a big deal." He teased. 

Joe laughed and gently punched Caspar's arm.

"That's not what I meant and you know it."

He leaned in and kissed Caspar. He smiled against Caspar's lips. This made Caspar giggle which made the kiss sloppy and uncoordinated but it didn't matter. Joe pulled back and his smile widened, making the corners of his eyes crinkle, as he gazed into Caspar's. 

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