Chapter 16 ~ Helpful

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Caspar had had enough. He could no longer handle it. He could no longer handle Joe. He knew Joe wasn't doing it on purpose but it was driving him crazy.

Joe walked around the house half naked like 90% of the time, either in just his sweats or a towel hanging dangerously low on his hips after he'd taken a shower.

He was also being extremely cute and affectionate which was also pushing Caspar past his breaking point. 

Of course Caspar loved cuddling with Joe on the couch or sharing a bed, although that had sadly stopped. But Joe started giving him random hugs all the time and not letting go for a stupid amount of time. He started holding Caspar's hand as they sat on the couch and watched movies, tracing a little pattern over Caspar's thumb gently. He even went as far as to KISS Caspar on the cheek when saying goodnight to him one night.

Caspar decided that if he didn't tell someone about how he felt, he would explode. Everybody needs a little help sometimes. So he went to the person he knew he could trust the most. Josh.

"Finally!" Josh shouted.

"Shhh keep your voice down," Caspar whispered, "I like him okay? And I thought you'd be a good friend and give me some advice rather than randomly shout."

"I'm not shouting. I'm just so happy that you've finally admitted it. I've known for a while now Caspar, it's kind of obvious."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean - the way you look at him, the way you talk about him, the way you're so happy when you're around him, the way - " 

"Okay okay I get it," Caspar sighed, "what do I do?"

"Well...I'm assuming you don't want me to say 'tell him' even though that's exactly what I think you should do. So my only other advice is wait for him to come to you." Josh said.

"What the fuck are you on about?"

"Oh come on mate. Don't tell me you haven't noticed." 

"Noticed what?" 

"That he likes you too, you bloody idiot."

"No he doesn't. Josh, he has a boyfriend." 

"He what??!!" 

"Aw shit. Oh no. Fuck fuck fuck. What the fuck did I just do? can't tell him. Josh don't tell him I told you please. Promise me you won't tell him." Caspar pleaded.

"Of course not. My lips are sealed. I'm just surprised that's all. Always thought you would be his first boyfriend." Josh laughed.

"Oh shut up mate. It's not funny. I really like him. And he keeps doing things that just make me want to grab him and pin him up against the wall and - "

"Stop. Alright I get it, I don't need the details." Josh laughed. 

"I was just gonna say kiss him. But yeah you're right, that too." Caspar laughed. 

They sat in silence for a few moments before Caspar frowned.

"You know what? You're not very helpful." He said.

Josh laughed and shook his head. 

•  •  •

"No Zoe listen," Joe said into the phone, "I don't know yet okay? We're seeing each other but it's casual. His name is Ian. And he - he's...nice." 

"I take it you're not head over heels for this guy," Zoe said, "like you are for Caspar." 

"Oh shut up," Joe laughed, "I dunno I just don't - I don't really see a future with this guy."

"But you do with Caspar." Zoe teased.

"Zoe..." Joe laughed again, "Caspar is just a crush. And Ian - well Ian is just a fling really." 

"So you're calling me for breakup tips?" Zoe asked.

"Not exactly," Joe said, "I'm calling you because I need some advice. Do you think I should break up with Ian? Or should I see where it goes? Cause I really don't have a chance with Caspar. But I don't want to keep stringing Ian along if I'll end it with him eventually." 

"Personally I would break up with him. It sounds like you're just using him as a rebound from Caspar. Even though you two were never in a relationship. Well not yet anyway. But you should listen to your heart Joe. I know you think that's stupid. But you yourself know best if you should give Ian a chance or if you should back out before someone gets hurt. This is something you need to decide for yourself." Zoe said. 

"Yeah I know I know. I'll call you soon and let you know what I decide." Joe sighed.

"Love you." Zoe said.

"Yeah yeah whatever," Joe laughed, "love you too sis."

And he hung up. 

"That was so helpful." He muttered sarcastically to himself. 

•  •  •

"What should I do?" Joe asked quietly.

"I think you should break up with him," Caspar paused, "because I love you."

"Joe! Joe wake up!" Caspar shouted. 

Joe opened his eyes and looked around confused.

Oh. It was a dream.

"Stop shouting Cas." He muttered.

"Sorry. I was just worried. Why are you sleeping on the ground?" Caspar asked.

Joe looked around and took in his surroundings. He was in fact on the ground, wrapped up in a bunch of blankets.

"Uh. I dunno actually. I must have fallen off my bed while I was asleep." 

"Oh. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Caspar asked worriedly.

"I'm fine." Joe chuckled.

Caspar turned around to walk out but then stopped and walked over to Joe. He grabbed the bundle of blankets and picked them up along with Joe. Joe gasped as Caspar lifted him up and placed him gently on his bed. He blushed slightly.

"I might have to start sleeping in your bed again," Caspar winked, "so you don't fall off." 

And he walked out. Just like that.

Joe's heart nearly fell out of his chest. How could Caspar say something like that with a straight face? And the wink? Oh come on.

Yet again Joe decided that it was nothing.

He couldn't have been more wrong.

As soon as Caspar walked out of Joe's room, he started panicking. 

'Oh my god. Why did I say that? Why did I do that? He's gonna know now. He's gonna know I like him and he's gonna hate me forever.'  Caspar thought to himself.

"Cas!" Joe called. 

"Yeah?" Caspar asked as he walked back into Joe's room to see Joe still in bed. 

His hair was messy and he was wearing nothing but his boxers and Caspar was really struggling to breathe because of how cute Joe looked. 

"I might take you up on that offer." Joe smirked.


Joe lifted the blanket and motioned for Caspar to join him.

"C'mon I want a cuddle." 

As always I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment if you did. Lyl xxx

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