Chapter 15 ~ Sleepy little angel

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"What are you doing here?" Joe asked Ian.

Ian looked slightly taken aback but smiled at Joe nonetheless. 

"I thought I'd come and surprise you. Take you out for lunch." He said.

"Actually, Cas-Caspar and I have plans." Joe said dryly.

Caspar didn't think they had any plans but he kept quiet. 

"Oh I'm sorry, I should have called. Well mind if I come along?" Ian asked while still smiling.

Joe hesitated and Caspar finally caught on.

"Um obviously we'd love for you to join us," Caspar said, "but unfortunately it's a youtube meeting and we can't bring you." 

Joe nodded in agreement. 

"Oh okay well I'll be off then. See you tomorrow Joe, it was nice meeting you Caspar." 

"You too." Caspar forced a smile.

Ian headed for the door.

"Wait," Joe stopped him, "can I jus talk to you for a minute?" 

"Yeah what's up?" Ian asked.

Caspar took that as a cue to leave and headed downstairs to his room. Except he didn't. He stayed on the stairs and listened intently. 

Caspar wasn't one to eavesdrop but he couldn't help himself. He hadn't talked to Joe properly in weeks and he needed to know what was going on and how things were going with Ian. 

"You can't just show up to my house like that." Joe said sternly.

"I'm sorry. Next time I'll call first." 

"Maybe you shouldn't come round here at all. With Caspar here and everything.." Joe trailed off.

"What do you mean? Do I not get to meet your friends? I'm your boyfriend Joe." Ian said. 

Joe was slightly taken aback. 

"I-I didn't know we'd m-made it official." He stuttered.


"Listen you should really go. I-I'll call you tomorrow." Joe said.

Ian looked like he wanted to say something else but nodded instead and left.

Joe closed the door behind him and sighed. 

"You can stop hiding now Cas." He said.

Caspar gasped and walked sheepishly up the stairs.

"How'd you kno..." 

"I know you that's how." Joe laughed.

Caspar laughed too but then stopped and looked at Joe worriedly.

"Joe. What's up? Why'd you tell Ian we have plans when we don't? Why'd you kick him out? Why'd..." Caspar started.

"Woah hold on. One question at a time. I told him we had plans because I wanted to hang out with you tonight, not him. I've barely seen you this week, it's about time we spend some time together. And I didn't 'kick him out.' I asked him to leave...because...cause he-he's moving too fast. You heard him, he called me his boyfriend when we had never even discussed that. And he-he came over here without asking and I just...I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about him." Joe ranted.

Caspar stared at the smaller boy in surprise. He hadn't realised how Joe was feeling. He hadn't once asked him about Ian because he was selfish and he didn't want to know. He didn't want to know because it hurt him but at the same time he was shutting Joe out and it was hurting him even more. It was probably hurting Joe too, judging by the way his voice cracked slightly when talking about how they hadn't talked properly for so long.

"I'm sorry." 

"For what?" Joe asked raising his eyebrows.

"For pushing you away. Truth is...I guess I was jealous." Caspar admitted. 

He wanted so badly to just confess his feeling but he knew he couldn't. 

"Jealous? Of Ian? Why?" Joe asked as his heart gave an involuntary jump.

"....I umm..I...don't know. I guess you were...spending a lot of time with him and I-I miss you. You're my best friend and I-I know you like him but I don't want him to be more important th-than our friendship." Caspar smiled sadly.

"Cas! What are you on about? He would never be more important than our friendship. I don't even know how I feel about him. He won't ever replace you, you're my best friend. I love you," Joe said, "in a best friend kind of way of course.." 

"Of course..." Caspar agreed but his heart dropped. 

They stared at each other for a moment before Caspar decided to break the silence.

"So... about these you want to actually do something? Or am I just an excuse?" 

"Of course I want to do something. We haven't spent time together recently just the two of us. What do you want to do?" Joe smiled.

"Um I kinda want to stay in. Can we order a pizza and watch some movies?" Caspar asked. 

"Caspar Lee! Are you asking me to Netflix and chill?" Joe gasped.

Caspar blushed but then Joe burst out laughing and Caspar realised he was joking. He laughed too. Everything is just so easy with Joe. 'Damn you Joe Sugg' Caspar though while still smiling.

•  •  •

Three movies later when the pizza was long gone, Caspar looked down at a very sleepy brunette snuggling into his side. 

Caspar could feel his cheeks turning red and was very thankful that Joe couldn't see him. 

Joe's eyes were half closed and he gripped Caspar's tshirt as they cuddled, Caspar's arm around his waist and his head on Caspar's chest. 

He yawned and Caspar's heart nearly fell out of his chest at how cute Joe looked. 

A few minutes later Joe was fast asleep. Caspar smiled down at him and rested his head on top of Joe's. Joe's hair tickled his chin slightly but he didn't mind. This was perfect. He never wanted it to end.

Joe stirred in his sleep and Caspar grabbed the remote and turned off the tv so it wouldn't wake his sleepy little angel. 

'What am I on about? He's not MY angel.' Caspar thought and shook his head at himself. 

Joe's breathing had evened out and Caspar knew that he was in a deep sleep. 

He also knew that if things go on like this his heart will break. Because Joe doesn't love him. Of course he doesn't, he has Ian. And he only thinks of Caspar as a friend. 

He decided that that will have to do. Because he couldn't imagine a life without Joe. Even if he's just a friend. 

He looked down at the smaller boy and placed a gentle kiss on the top of his head. 

"Joe what are you doing to me?" He whispered, "you are troublesome."

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Remember to vote and comment if you want. Next chapter coming soon lyl xxx

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