Chapter 18 ~ I like you

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Thank you so so so much for 2k reads and 100 votes, I am extremely grateful to everyone who reads this story and I hope you're all enjoying it. There's a few chapters left of this story and I will be very sad when it comes to an end but I have loved writing it and will hopefully write more Jaspar stories in the future. 

Anyway I'm sorry this took so long and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Caspar walked back in, holding 4 shots of tequila and a bowl of cherries. He placed it all on the table and handed Joe a shot before downing two himself. He then dropped a cherry into his mouth and spat out the pip. 

Joe downed his shot and went to grab the last one when Caspar stopped him.

"No no no, that one's mine." 

"But you just had two. I only got one. Why do you get three?" Joe slurred.

He was clearly already drunk and Caspar chuckled. 

"Well I brought them here," he said, "anyways I need to catch up, you're wasted."

" 'm not wasted whut you on abou-?" 

Caspar shook his head and grabbed the shot out of Joe's hand. He drank it while Joe continued whining. 

They sat in silence for a few minutes. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Caspar asked softly. 

Joe shook his head.

"What's there to talk about? I dumped him and now 'm a lil teeny tiny bit drunk." 

"Little teeny tiny bit?" Caspar raised his eyebrows and smirked.

Joe huffed and hugged his knees.

"Did you love him?" Caspar asked hesitantly.


"Are you okay?" 


"Are you sad?" 


"Do you want a hug?" 



Caspar's eyebrows shot up in surprise. He had expected another no. He knew hugging Joe right now was a bad idea. He had been on the verge of telling Joe about his feelings for him all night.

Hugging him would not help.

But he would do anything to make Joe feel even the tiniest bit better. Of course he would.

So he scooted closer towards Joe and wrapped his long arms around Joe's small body as Joe cuddled into his side, his head resting on Caspar's chest which was falling and rising rapidly.

His heart was beating faster than normal and he could tell that Joe was listening to his heartbeat but luckily Joe didn't comment.

"Do you feel better now?" Caspar joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yes." he paused. "You always make me feel better."

Again Caspar was surprised. Joe was surprising him a lot this past hour. 

His hand started absentmindedly playing with Joe's soft fluffy hair. Joe sighed and moved impossibly closer, wrapping his arms around Caspar's waist. 

Caspar's heart fluttered. 

He knew he shouldn't. 

He really really shouldn't. 

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