Chapter 24 ~ Friends and Family

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Hey y'all! Sorry for the long wait. I've gone back to school and I'm super busy this year. But don't worry I haven't forgotten about this story. I hope y'all enjoy this chapter. 

Warnings: brief mentions of sex. 

Joe wanted to have sex with Caspar. He really really wanted to. The handjobs and blowjobs were great. Amazing. Fantastic.

For someone with so little experience, Caspar really knew what he was doing. And Joe did too apparently, if the sounds Caspar made and the way he pulled Joe's hair and scratched his back were any indication.

But Joe really wanted to have sex with Caspar. He had let Caspar finger him, which had surprisingly been one of the best experiences of his life. He had never came so hard before. But still Caspar thought they should wait and he wanted it to be perfect.

Joe knew he was right. He also wanted it to be perfect. And anyway, he was happy to just make out with Caspar. Or talk for hours and cuddle. To be honest, anything with Caspar was perfect.

They were kissing lazily on Joe's bed when both their phones vibrated. They groaned and pulled apart to check them.

"It's Zoe," Joe said, "she wants to know if I'm bringing a date to their wedding."

"I got the same text." Caspar replied. 

He sat up and looked at Joe expectedly. 

"What?" Joe raised his eyebrows.

"Well. Don't you think we should to tell her about us? Now's the perfect time," Caspar said, "the wedding is next month."

"Hmm. I don't know..."

"We don't have to if you don't want to," Caspar added, "but she is your sister. I think she deserves to know. And anyway, didn't you already tell her that you liked me?"

Joe nodded.

"I hate it when you're right." 

Caspar laughed and pressed a kiss to Joe's forehead, making him giggle.

"Okay, fine. Let's call her." Joe agreed.

Caspar smiled and watched as Joe scrolled through his contacts and pressed Zoe's number. She picked up after the third ring.

"Broseph!" she greeted, "did you get my text?" 

"Uh yeah," Joe said nervously, "that's um- why I'm calling actually." 

Zoe hummed in response.

"Oh by the way, you're on loudspeaker. Caspar is also here." he said.

"Hey Zo!" Caspar shouted.

"Oh hey Caspar! How are you?"

"I'm fantastic. You?" 

"Great. Very busy with wedding planning." she answered.

"Anyway.." Joe interrupted.

He looked at Caspar and Caspar nodded.

"Yeah right, sorry," he said, "we have something we need to tell you."

"Okay," Zoe said, "what's up?"

"Well see," Joe started, "I'm uh seeing someone."

"Can you guess who?" Caspar shouted.

Joe shook his head fondly at Caspar's enthusiasm. Zoe gasped.

"Is it Caspar??!" she screamed, "please tell me it is. Is it?? If it's not then this will be very awkward." 

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