Alec's Fans

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BDR: ToT Oh come on! He's like Alice, how are they different?!

Alec: *drinking tea* Because I am a man.

BDR: AHHH!!! DX *jumps behind a couch*

Liu: *cringes* Eh, so he's still here.

Alec: *smirks* Why yes I am. I might be making my stay permanent.

Alice: *chops his head off* I don't think so.

Alec: *head rolls towards me* Boo. *smirks*

BDR: DX AHHHH!!!!! *clings to Liu*

Liu: *hugs me* It's okay, Doll, lets start this so we can end this fast.

Alec's body: *picks up his head & puts it on backwards*

Alec: Oops, stupid body. *twists head back around*

Alice: *glares* Fool.

BDR: DX This is from LovePDC:

"my sister told me to put down these dares 1. sally dren glad you can join me on this mission the mission is that you need to spy on masky and hoodie and learn their weaknesses once you have that I will give you the 2 part of the mission and masky and hoodie can't know anything got it? over and out"

Sally & Dren: That's it? -_- Their weaknesses are cheesecake.

BDR: (✿◠‿◠) Well, thank you for that then. You girls can go mess with Jeffy now.

Sally & Dren: Yay!!! *run off to find Jeff*

Jeff: DOLL!!!!!

BDR: (≧◡≦)

Liu: Doll, should I move on then?

BDR: Yerp. T_T I want to have this settled quickly.

Liu: *smiles sympatheticly* Okay, this is from GamerChix164:

"Me: >_< But Doll-chan! I like Alec! Can't he stay a little longer? He's so cool! Is there a story with him in it that I can read? Dren: Yay! I get to play with Sally again! Me: Doll-chan, I have another question now. Who is more scary to you? Alec or Alice? Oh yeah. I almost forgot. Hi, Alec!"

Alec: *bows & puts top hat to chest* Well, how do you do, Ms. Chix? *smiles innocenlty*

BDR: (╥_╥) No, not yet. I'm working on a story though staring Alice and Alec.

Alice: What?! I don't want to be with him!

BDR: (¬_¬) Chill, you're not going to be lovers. You'll have the same relationship you guys have now, which is one of hatred.

Alec: Can I sacrifice her?

Alice: Not if I sacrifice you first.

BDR: *sits in corner with Liu* (╥_╥) They both can get into my head, so they're both equally scary. All of you feel lucky that I have Rayn and Raven to keep them in my head.

Liu: *pets my head* There, there, Doll. You can read the next one.

BDR: M'kay, this is from SayaKisaragi:

"Anna: Alec seems epic THUMBS UP FOR ALTER-EGOS AND COUNTER PARTS!!! XD Aiden: -facepalm- do you realize all your counterparts are boys? AND YOU DONT HAVE ANY FREAKING GIRL ALTER-EGOS Anna: pfftt who cares I was born with it so f*ck off, Anyway I wanted to QUESTION PEOPLE FOR JABBERWOCKY JABBERWOCKA ehem, Ben- What do you think of Link and Dark link? LJ- Are you really REALLY that loyal to Alice no matter what? Jason- Are you like, suuppeeer in love with Travis? -COUGH-IDUNNOWHYBUTIGOTRESPECTFORYOUSINCEYOUWEREREJECTEDINBLOODYWINTERLOVE-COUGH- Annndddd that's all! Aiden: Can I deal with Alondra and the rest? Anna: shut up, what happens to the story shall happen and if you ever decline -smirks- I'm calling Nyx-kun Aiden: O.O NO MA'AM SORRY MA'AM I'D RATHER BE SACRIFICED TO ALICE THAN THAT...."

BDR: (╥_╥) Lets not encourage him, shall we?

Alec: *smirks* Now, you must admit you adore me as well, Mistress.


BEN, LJ, Jason: What?!

BDR: (✿◠‿◠) BEN, what do you think of Link and Dark Link.

BEN: Fun to play, but I hate being compared to them. (¬_¬)

BDR: But you look like them.


BDR: LJ, would you always remain loyal to Alice no matter what?

LJ: Yes. *no hesitations* But the only time I will not obey if she tells me to distance myself from her.

BDR: (◕‿◕✿) Aww, someone loves Alice.

Alice: *falls back laughing* Oh, this is too good!

BDR: Wow dude, you got balls sticking with a woman like that. (¬_¬)

LJ: Thanks, I think. -_-

BDR: Now, mutt face! Are you really super mega in love with momma??

Jason: That's a pretty stupid question. Of course I am. If I didn't care for him I would have killed that annoying brother of his.

BDR: Poppa is not annoying! He's just deredere over Travis sometimes yandere.

Jason: English, woman!


Liu: Wait! We have on more!

BDR: (◣_◢) No way! It's mean and rude, and it goes against the rules of showing personal hate. And it's not cool pretending to punch everyone. I will only allow fighting if a Pasta or OC is actually picking on the person, not just a random act of harrassment!

Liu: O_O Okay. Uh wait for me, Doll! *runs after me*

Alec: *puts top hat on* Well, this is very fun. I might stick here for a while longer. *smirks*

Alice: Like hell you are.

LJ: Lady Alice, what shall I do about him?

Alice: *opens mouth & then closes it* Laughing Jack. *smiles innocently* Lets leave him be for the moment. Come. *leaves

LJ: *bows head & follows Alice*

Alec: *chuckles* Well, folks, looks like your wonderful Alec of Human Sacrifice is sticking around a little longer. See you next time my dear sacrifices.

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