45 - Theo's Circumstance

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The moonlight illuminated the entire surrounding as the lake gives off a scene of tranquility. In the middle of the lake is a fairly lit small pagoda and inside it is two noticeable youths who are painting the entire atmosphere with awkward silence. 

The delicate-looking youth who is currently enveloped under the tan-skinned strong arms released a heavy sigh. Naturally, the two youths are Yulrir and Theo respectively. Yulrir looked at Theo's deep blue eyes and smiled.  He can tell that the lad isn't lying or making up a story. Theo relaxed after he saw that Yulrir had no intention of struggling and even gave him a smile. He then embraced Yulrir tighter and even gave a sniff on the latter's hair. Theo's action made Yulrir stiffened but chose to remain calm.  Yulrir also wanted to know why it felt so right being handled like this by Theo.

Yulrir reached out his hand and touched Theo's cheek.  The moment his milky white hands touched the tan-skinned youth face,  his heart began throbbing and it seems like the contact had given birth to a spark between the two.

Theo who was trying to hold his self from pouncing Yulrir is currently at the edge.  He was after all an alpha who just reached his mating age months ago so the temptation is high.  Seeing his obsession is currently in his arms moreover curiously looking and touching him, his self-control is running thin. He then abruptly pulled Yulrir's body closer towards him and buried his face in between Yulrir's neck and shoulder.  This action made Yulrir trembled and struggle a bit.

"YOUU REALLYYYY SMELL SO HEAVENLY.... " Theo said in a hoarse voice.

"L-let go... You a--" Yulrir warned.

"I'm sorry, can we stay like this for a while, please...? " Theo withdrew his face from Yulrir's neck and whispered weakly.

Yulrir noticed the bloodshot eyes of Theo and realized how close their body was.  Yulrir flushed red but nodded. The feeling he is under right now is alien to him but he knew that it was just right.  It was as if,  his vitality and his qi are fluctuating in a rather happy manner. The flow of qi between him and Theo was abundant and brought comfort to the two of them.  If an expert were to see this act,  they'll be awed as the two of them were currently undergoing a type of dual cultivation.  This kind of cultivation is risky as the two cultivators have to connect with each other's meridian and circulate their qi together.  Doing this improves one's meridians and even is ten times more effective than cultivating alone.  This is why some cultivators are so eager to find a companion or a partner.  Those who cultivate with their true mates are advantageous as their qi and body resonance is high.

Also- this is why alphas treasures omegas as they got special meridians which aren't capable of qi absorption, this means their body can absorb double of the qi they get from the cultivation as the Omegas don't have a way to absorb the qi they accumulate so their partner ends up absorbing all. Other than their blood which gives a boost to any alpha,  their body is similarly a divine treasure and perfect for dual cultivation. Yulrir was also an omega but due to his baptism,  his meridians had developed and mutated so doing dual cultivation like this will equally benefit him a lot as well.

The duo stayed intimately close for a long time not saying anything.  Theo with his head kneading on Yulrir's shoulder and neck felt satisfied.

Yulrir equally is also enjoying the benefits of the qi flow that was entering to his body and also find it pleasant whenever Theo's warm lips touch his skin from time to time.  He can also feel a hard thing brushing on his thigh every time he moves to fix his position and every time he does that, Theo lets out a growl and stares hard at Yulrir. Yulrir finds it amusing so whenever he feels ticklish on Theo's 'kneading' he always intentionally moves his thigh and brushes Theo's hard thing making the latter stop and whine.

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