One Last epilogue....

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Gabby finally realized that EVERYTHING was just a dream...

all those smiles

all those kisses

were just part of her dream...

but as the story goes, Gabby did end up with our good ole Nialler.

Not everthing was the same as her dream, simply because she already knows what would happen so she understands the drama with Victoria, etc.

But no she didn't tell anyone, even her best friends.

Gabby babysat for Lily in those 2 months, finished her degree and eventually got engaged with Niall after a romantic proposal at La Viva Ilongga at their 3rd year anniversary.

In those years as engaged couples, Gabby and Niall faced a lot of challenges including jealousy, the fans, a love triangle and many more...

but they figured out that love conquers all.

3 blissful years after the engagement, our beloved couple got married at the Eiffel Tower. They were also blessed with 4 childen- twins that consists of a girl and a boy, then 2 girls afterwards...

Zayn got married with Gracie one year later.

Liam is currently single and is still looking for that girl.

Louis and Eleanor got married 2 years ago and they were blessed with 1 boy and 1 girl.

Harry is currently engaged with Cher Lloyd and he plans to propose to her tomorrow.

but folks, that wasn't the end for our boys... their journey, starts now...

This officially ends Knickers in a Twist.

Knickers in A Twist (sequel)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora