CHAP 13: forgiveness

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Riiiiiiing, riiiiiiing, riiiiing…..

“Ms. Strawberry, could you walk any faster?” An Irish voice spoke.

“Traffic” I answered, walking faster than I possibly could.

After 5 minutes of walking in my wobbly heels, I finally arrived at my restaurant. My best best friend is looking handsome as ever, wearing a plain polo and chinos, paired with his Supras. He was standing outside the door, and he gave me a toothy smile the moment he saw me. I smiled in response.

“Hey Ms. Strawberry!” he greeted me and gave me a hug. I hugged him back, smelling his strong yet intoxicating Armani cologne.

“Hey Leprechaun! You could’ve gone inside first.” I told him as we walked inside.

“I know, but well, it feels nice to wait for you.” He held the door for me and did a little curtsy. We both laughed and I greeted Mike   and my employees. If you’re thinking whether Niall and I are dating, we’re not. We’re super close since that night we texted. We meet almost every day and whenever we hang out here in the restaurant, he helps out earning me a large crowd. Zayn and Grace comes along too, as well as my girlfriends.

“The boys misses you” Niall suddenly said, making me nearly-choke on my food.

“Uh…” I miss them too, but I still can’t forget what they did for me.

“Louis and Liam told me that ‘they know you’ll eventually forgive them because you love them’.” He air-quoted.

“I miss them Niall, I really do. I already forgave them a long time ago, but I don’t think I can talk to them this soon.”

“I understand….but you know that Lou can be very persuasive….”

“Yeah? What about it?”


“GABBBBBY PLEASE FORGIVE US ALREADY!!!!!!!!” a loud high pitched voice made me jump from my seat. Lou immediately tackled me into a bone crushing hug. Liam followed behind him.

“PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WE’RE BEGGING YOUU!” Lou begged and both him and Liam gave me those puppy dog eyes. No no no nooo. I felt Niall smirk beside me and I shot him a glare, meaning I will kill him later.

“You both know that you really hurt me.” I said and they bowed their heads. “But, I miss you and you’re forgiven”. They looked up at me and tackled me into another bone crushing hug.

“YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! WE love you so so much that we nearly knelt down just so you can forgive us!” Lou cried, he really CRIED and the sight of him in tears breaks my heart.

“Naw. Don’t cry Lou. I forgive ya. Don’t worry about it.” I assured him and they both hugged me again.

“So you’re the reason why she cried at night?! How dare you show your faces!” An angry Mike steps out of the kitchen. Uh oh.

“We…uh..-sh-she forgave us…al-already” Liam stuttered nervously, not being able to look up at Mike. I notice him holding a rather large knife and I tried to grab it it from him before anything happens but he didn’t oblige.

“Mike, I know you’re just over protective with me but PLEASE DROP THE DAMN KNIFE.” I practically yelled at him. He sighed in frustration, but placed the knife on the table.

“We are really… so-sorry si-sir” Louis said, obviously frightened. I mean, who wouldn’t be. Mike is bulky and muscular, compared to Lou & Liam’s “fit” body.

“Just make sure that you won’t make her cry again, or I will chop your heads off, take the brain out and make stew! Got it?!” He said and the boys nodded, faster than the normal nodding. I cover my mouth to prevent any kinds or forms of laughter to escape from my mouth because I know this is not the right time.

Mike left, giving them a one last glance and headed back to the kitchen.

“Please remind me to never cross his path again!” Lou said and took a big gulp of water. Liam just patted his back then took a sip of water. “I’m honestly traumatized!”

“Soo fellas, what’s the plan?” I asked them as soon as Liam and Louis recovered from the’trauma’.





They suggested and said together at once, sounding like “mopacaouvi”. Good thing I know them already, so I know what they are thinking and where they really want to go.

“Okay. I think we better watch a movie.” I said after a while. Niall pumped his fist and the two boys groaned. Niall stuck his tongue out like a kid at Lou as our poor Doncaster boy “cried” at Liam’s shoulder.

“You.. You have favoritisim! (A/N I don’t think that is familiar with you guys but here it’s a term for “teachers pet”) Lou said pointing his index finger at me.

“Next time Lou Lou. Now Niall, would you please tell Zayn that he could meet up with us at the theatre. And maybe you could invite Harry too.” They looked shocked on how brave I am to invite Harry to join us. Me too, honestly, but it’s been a month and I can say that I’ve already moved on.

“You sure Gabby?” Liam asked and I nodded. He took his Iphone out and dialled some numbers which I think is Harry’s.

“Hey man, where are you?.... Yeah I’m with the lads…. Sorry bout that coz you were sleeping. Anyway, we’re going to the movies wanna come?..... Well, the lads and Gabby…. Oh…. Okay sure... just meet us at the theatre. ….Okay bye.”

“That’s a yes right?” I asked and Liam smiles.

“He says he’s gonna fly like superman.” He said and I laughed. I think that means he’s still on his bed when Liam called.

“Who needs help?! SUPERMAN IS HERE!” Louis kind-of shouted earning glares from the customers. To make things worse, he unbuttoned his polo shirt revealing his superman t-shirt. We all face-palmed together but cracked up laughing.  He’s 22 but still young as ever.

“LOU sit down!” Daddy Direction hissed at him and he unhappily obliged. The customers are shaking their heads. Luckily for them Lou didn’t put on underwear over his pants. He did once, and it was a rather funny sight, especially when he was running on the streets looking ridiculous. (A/N JUST IMAGINE PEOPLE. KAFLJHGTHDKGNBKGFLB)

“I think we should go now.” Niall said and we agreed. I passed by the counter to grab some money (perks of having a business) and my new assistant Babes (I fired the last one because I caught her taking some cash) winked at me. I just laughed and shook my head. I tightened my coat around me for it was freezing since it’s already December. Niall held out his arm for me and I happily grabbed it, making my heart go BOOM BOOM BOOM.

I know I know it’s shooooooooort, but it was rushed. Hihi. Forgive meeeee? LOVE YOU PEOPLE. 10 votes and 10 comments please. It inspires meeee! Thank you mwa mwa!!!

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