CHAP 7: I was with Niall

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 *Gabs POV*

"Does the boys know know we're staying here?" I asked, as I handed the plate for Niall to wash.

"Yeah. I called Liam. He was worried sick when we didn't come home." He replied and in the spur of the moment, we just laughed. We don't know why, but we just started to laugh. 

"Why....are...we...even laughing?" He asked between laughs. His cheeks turned bright pink, and my heart nearly jumped out. He's cute. I don't blame the fans.

"Oh! What am I going to wear?"  I asked, realizing that I didn't bring any clothes with me. The leprauchan "surprised" me about this visit.

"You can wear something of mine." He answered, unable to hide his blush. I chuckled at him. UGH.


My subconscious shakes her head. WHAAAAT? HE'S DAMN CUTE DON'T BLAME ME.

"But-." I started to say but he interrupted.

"You'd rather wear Lily's instead?" He smiled, with a trace of humor on his face.

"Err. Okay." I won't even argue with this guy cause I'll lose for sure.

We spent the night at Maura's as Lily insisted. After we talked about Niall, we never brought it up again after dinner. Maura cooked like 5 dishes, and I can't help but miss my mom. How is she in New York? I better call her later.

Lily and I talked about almost everything. Not about Niall, but about her school, her crush Darren, my restaurant, and the world. 

Okay I lied.

We talked about Niall half of the time.

his obssession with food, how much he likes to cuddle, how he flips his hair (LOL), how he screamed when he saw Justin Beiber, and etc.

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