CHAP 5: a date.....?!

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"Where are you?" Harry snapped on the phone.

"We're on our way to the hotel. We just grabbed some ice cream." I explained, rolling my eyes.

"You could've told me to go with you. Liam said you're not feeling well and I was worried because you were not here when we came back!" He snapped.

"Ugh. Will you calm down?!" I'm okay now!" I argued back and I could feel the air coming out from his ears.

"I'am am freaking worried when I found out that you're alone with Niall!"

"What getting you're knickers in a twist Harry?! He offered to take me home because you were busy worrying with Cher!" I raged, and as if on cue, tears flooded my eyes and I hurriedly shut the phone.

"Harry?" Niall asked. "Let's go home before he sends out a search and rescue team."

I can't help but stifle a laugh. "Thanks Niall."

"You're welcome boo."

We took a cab, and went straight to the boys' hotel. 

"Gabby!" Harry exclaimed and hugged me tight the moment I walked into the room. I ignored him, and plopped on the sofa beside Lou. He looked at me questioningly as I took a bite of the carrot he's holding. 

"Gabby I'm really sorry babe! I really am! I didn't know and I-" I stopped him with my hand in "talk to the hand" gesture and he walked away, knowing he can't argue with me. I'm stubborn like a child.

"Why are you not speaking to Harry?" Lou asked, as Liam sat beside him all ears.

"Because I'm mad at him, DUH." I rolled my eyes but they looked at me as if waiting for an explanation.

"I'm mad cause he's mad that I'm with Niall." 

"Oh." They said. 

"Yep. Oh." 

"Maybe he's just jealous?" Lou asked again and Liam agreed.

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