CHAP. 16 Little secret

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Uhm… this really hurts. But….

Only gonna do like 3 chapters before ending the sequel.


1. I don’t have time.

2. I can’t deal with the pressure

3. I can’t stress about this story until March is over.

4. I don’t know what to write anymore.

Chapter 16 

Birds chirping, leaves rustling, cars honking woke me up the next morning.

I feel….





Maybe some girls in my position would maybe kill themselves or something like that. But I won’t. No matter how horrible Harry did to me. I value life. Then I remembered… I shook my head. There is no way I would tell you or anyone why.

Last night’s event made me cry again and again and again. Sobbing uncontrollably, I heard a light knock on my door.

“Leave me alone” I whispered, not even caring whether the person heard me or not. I heard my door open and I was just about to open my mouth, my Irish leprechaun came in holding a tray filled with food.

“I know nothing can make you feel better than food.” He smiled lightly as he placed the tray on my bedside table.

“Leave me alone.”



“I can’t do that you know. I’m like a ---- , no matter how much you push me away, I’m still going to come back.”

“I can’t believe he cheated on me.”

“I can’t too. Just so you know, Liam beat the crap out of him.” My eyes widened in shock. Liam? Our Liam? I thought Louis would be the one to do that.

“I would too, you know. But Li stopped me and said that he should be the one to do it since he’s daddy direction.”

“Thanks Niall.” I whispered as he put his warm arms around me and I felt nothing but safe and secured.


“Yes princess?”

“Why do you think Harry cheated on me?”

“Because he hasn’t realized that he was a lucky lad for having someone as precious as you.”

“Why are you always there for me Niall?” I asked softly. I could tell he was shocked, unprepared for the question I laid out for him.

“I honestly don’t know. It’s just, no matter how much I try to stay away from you, I can’t and I keep on coming back.” I stared at his eyes longingly and I pressed myself closer to his chest. I could hear the fast beating of his heart.

“Don’t leave me okay?”

“I won’t Gabby.”

“Don’t give up on me okay?” He smiled down at me and said the words Harry should’ve said.

“I will always love you Gabby. To the moon and back.”

Hours later….

Niall’s POV

Gabby was finally asleep. I untangled myself from her arms and slowly got up from her bed being careful not to wake her. My princess. I sat beside her and before I could stop myself, I’m already stroking her long beautiful hair. How I wish she IS mine again.

“When are you gonna tell her?” A voice suddenly spoke behind me.

“Smurf you Liam! You would wake her up!” He chuckled softly.

“Nah. She’ll only wake up with a true loves kiss.”

“I think you’ve had too much Disney movies Li.”

“ha-ha. But really, when are you gonna tell her?”

“She doesn’t need to know Li.  It’s no use.”

“what if it would change everything?”

“I doubt that. She still loves Harry.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. I don’t know. But I think you should tell her. She atleast deserves to know. She was hurt.”

“Li, telling her that management made me date Victoria so they would allow me to pay her parents’ hospital bill is not gonna change anything.”

“Whatever you say Nialler. Anyway, Harry needs some ice. Zayn nor Lou don’t want to be near him. You’re the only hope.”  Liam said before he disappeared.

I looked back at Gabby’s beautiful face then as I started to stand up, a warm hand held my hand tightly. I turned around and saw Gabby looking at me with tears in her eyes.

“Why didn’t you tell me Niall” She said in between sobs. I don’t know what to do anymore, so I just held her tightly in my arms and apologized.

Gabby’s POV

“When are you gonna tell her?” I woke up as I heard Liam’s voice. Tell me what?

“Smurf you Liam! You would wake her up!” Niall whispered and Liam chuckled.

“Nah. She’ll only wake up with a true loves kiss.” Li said with a playful tone.

“I think you’ve had too much Disney movies Li.”

“ha-ha. But really, when are you gonna tell her?” Tell me what?????? Is Niall hiding something from me?

“She doesn’t need to know Li.  It’s no use.”

“what if it would change everything?” what is it goddamnit. I want to just open my eyes so bad but im afraid Niall wouldn’t say it.

“I doubt that. She still loves Harry.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. I don’t know. But I think you should tell her. She atleast deserves to know. She was hurt.”

“Li, telling her that management made me date Victoria so they would allow me to pay her parents’ hospital bill is not gonna change anything.”



“Whatever you say Nialler. Anyway, Harry needs some ice. Zayn nor Lou don’t want to be near him. You’re the only hope.”  Liam said before he disappeared.

I felt Niall slowly standing up so I hurriedly held his hand tightly. He was shocked but then his face went from shock to sadness.

“Why didn’t you tell me Niall” I asked as tears started to wet my cheeks again...

Changed my mind.

 I guess I should just leave the ending to you, like, you could  just make your own ending whether Gabby ends up with Niall or Harry.

But maybe I could still think about this.

haha. lol. don't hate me. I'm not myself right now...

so that's all...

for now...

peace out.

love you guys. Xx



*A/N edited*

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