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HEEEEEEY GUYS SO THIS IS THE PROLOGUE! HAVEN'T TOUCHED IT SINCE FRIDAY BECAUSE OF MU FLU. T.T hope you like it even if its too short for your liking!

"Hey Mikey one Adobo for table 3!" I called out to our chef in the kitchen. "And fried asparagus please!"

It's only been a year since I opened my very own restaurant, "La Viva Ilongga", yet it was buzzing every single day. Of course Mikey is the head chef, not because he's one of my bestfriend, but also because he's an amazing cook. My bestfriends Patriz, Mia, and Nica helps every once in a while, whenever they're free. They're busy too, working in one of the biggest TV stations in the world, which is based here in London.

I am very thankful that my restaurant is successful so far, but sometimes I wonder if its booming not because of the food, but because the people and the fans hope to catch a glimpse of the famous Harry Styles of One Direction, now a famous actor in Hollywood, released their 6th album, had the longest world tour in history, and who is also my fiancé.

Harry proposed 4 years later, and people espected us to be married by now. But because of our busy schedules, we hardly talk. People told me that maybe our love is "dying" for if we truly love our partner, we can't not talk to them. Some said he's having a secret love affair with Cher Lloyd, who is linked to him right now. They are in the gossip column and tabloids almost every week. I trust Harry, but there's this fact that he used to be a womanizer. I trust him, I really do, but as a girl, I can't help but be jealous too.

"Ma'am Gabby, CBA company is on the phone." Cherry, my secretary snapped me from my thoughts. I grabbed the phone and took a very long breath.

"Hi good day this is Gabbriel Jones of La Viva Ilongga how may I help you?" I asked with my best professional voice. After all, this is CBA, one of the biggest companies in London.

"This is Kim Hyun Joong, President of the company." a low but sweet voice answered. wait. Kim Hyun Joong?




50% complete...


100% complete...


Breath in... Breath out....

If he could see me right now, he would probably laugh at me. He was and is still my Korean idol. Ever since I laid my eyes in him in the Korean show, Boys over flowers, I fell in love with him. And shhhh don't tell Harry. *wink*

"I would like to ask if you do catering?

"Y-yes sir we do." I answered, trying my best to act calm, when in fact my heart is beating rather fast.

"For 1000 people?" He asked. 1000 people?!!

"Sure sir." I answered.

"That's good to hear. Our employees voted for your restaurant and according to my colleagues, La Viva Ilongga is one of the best restaurants here in London. 3 weeks from now, we would organize a ball for our Filipino Investors. Can you do it?" He asked and I nervously glanced at Cherry.

"No problem sir, my assistant here would talk to you about the details." I said and quickly gave the phone to Cherry.

When she knew who the person on the other line is, she started to hyperventilate too and it's quite funny since you don't expect her to fan girl at 35.

"It's already settled ma'am" Cherry told me then took some orders.

"Sizzling spareribs and salami for table 5. " Mikey called out and pressed the bell.

I went over to the window and held the tray steadily on my hands.

I then walked to table 5 where 2 giggling girls are sitting.

"Hello these are your order. Sorry for the wait. " I said then placed their orders on the mat. They looked at each other and giggled again. I was about to turn away when the younger one, I presume, spoke in a shaky voice.

"Uhm, excuse me. You're Harry's fiance right?"

"Yes I am." I smiled,

"Can we get an autograph? Youre really pretty , much prettier than Cher Lloyd. " she said and I suddenly tensed up. A lot of people already asked and I tense up everytime.

I took her notebook and signed. I walked away thinking about what she said. Harry is linked with Cher for many weeks now. People knew we are engaged, and I trust him. But he didn't bother to call or explain when the issue first got out.

I tried to understand that he's just so busy to call, but I wonder if he misses me.

Cause I miss him like crazy.

After walking back and forth taking and serving their orders, (I have tons of staff but I love what im doing incase you're wondering), I took a sit on my chair to relax a bit. After a few, my phone dinged signalling a text.

from CarrotBuddy:

Gabby-boo! We miss you so much! Uncle Si finally allowed us to have a short break and we're going back to London! Hollywood is so stressful you know! We will visit you one of these days so you can let us  taste the wonders of your restaurant! Xx


Tanaaaaaaaan. Hihihi I hope you like it . The boys will appear on the next chappy so hold on tight! Love you guys!

comment please.:))

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