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Gabby’s POV

“ha-ha you’re kidding.” I said but he didn’t smile. Smurfs.

“I JUST BROKE UP WITH MY FIANCEE!” I exclaimed and Zayn just sighed.

“I will look like a slut Zayn!” I argued back

“No you won’t darling.” He said and I immediately turned my head at him.

Darling?? Since when does Zayn use that word? And to me especially?”

“Zayn are you okay?” I said but he did was chuckle.

“Darling you need to wake up!” He said, his teeth now crooked and scary like the ugly villains of fairy tales. I must be dreaming. Must be lack of sleep since the night Harry and I broke up.

“Wake up?! I’m awake Zayn what is wrong with you?!” I yelled at him but he just smiled. What shocked me the most is that his face is slowly contorting into the face of my bestfriend, Meah. He’s slowly looking just like her.

“Now I must be dreaming. Totally.”

“That’s why you need to wake up.” He said, his voice now sweet and high-pitched just like Meah.

Oh dear Lord this is really creepy!

“Or you could be with me instead and we’ll live happily ever after!” He grabbed me by the neck and raised me up that my toes doesn’t reach the floor anymore.

“Zayn let …me….down!” I managed to say as I am struggling to breathe. No this can’t be happening!

“Or I could eat you instead!” I tried to kick him but he is so strong I can’t barely breathe anymore…





“OMYGOD WHAT THE HELL IS WRING WITH YOU!” I woke up to a cold and shivering water. I looked up to see who the hell splashed the water at me and found Meah holding the deadly weapon I call the bucket.

“I called you for like 20 times and you’re squirming and yelling that I’m scared out of my mind! I just have to!” She explained and I sighed, getting up to get myself dressed. It’s freaking cold! As my feet touched the ground, I suddenly realized that I am not in my bedroom. The walls are baby blue, not pink. The room is familiar…… wait… this is my room in Ireland


“Why am I here?” I asked here as I scanned around the room. “Why are YOU here? Is this another surprise that I didn’t know about?” I smiled as I realized Niall must’ve brought her here.

“Niall James Horan this is too much!” I yelled, expecting to hear laughter’s outside my door but I didn’t. Weird.

“You dreamed about Niall again didn’t you! Hah! Silly girl! Now move and get ready! It’s the last day of highschool!”

I looked at her with a confused expression.

“High school? I already graduated years ago! I have my restaurant now what are you talking about?”

“Can you get Amnesia from sleeping?” She asked. Of course not idiot. But the way she looks right now means that she is THINKING if it is even possible.

“of-course not idiot. Really, cut the chase and tell me why you’re here and why am I HERE?”

“I told you because you live here. What is wrong with you?!”

“I’m supposed to be in England!”

“England? You’re kidding right. Your dream must’ve got the best of you. Well, hurry up. Your mother will drive us. It’s the last day of school and you’re still late. Come on. Chop Chop.” I didn’t budge.

I’m confused.

I was just talking to Zayn. But why am I here?

Maybe this IS the dream.

I went back to bed and closed my eyes. Maybe everything would return to normal. This is creeping me out.

“GABBRIEL JONES what the hell are you doing?!”

“Sleeping? I’m in a very bad dream.” I said. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pang on my butt.

“OUCH! What the hell was that for?!” I asked rubbing my butt. It freakin’ hurts!

“To bring you back to reality! If you felt the pain, then of course you’re not dreaming! Now move!”

“If this is not a dream, then the boys must be hiding somewhere.” I jumped out of the bed and walked past Meah. I stood in front of the stairs.

“Come on boys I know you’re in there somewhere!” I yelled. No response.

“No need to be shy come on!” I tried again but still no answer.  I went back to my room and found Meah sitting on my bed, hands crossed against her chest.

“5 minutes to shower or else I will kill you.” Meah said and I immediately ran to the shower. She is really a pain in the butt when she’s angry.

After my shower, I went back to my bedroom to see that she already laid out my outfit for me. Loose off-shoulder shirt, black razer back, black leggings and high-cut converse. This feels like a major Déjà vu or its just weird that I’m back in the house.

We walked down the stairs and found my mom cooking some bacon.

"Oh thank you Meah!” she said and gave Meah a plate.

“Gab, one of our boss asked me if I know any good stay--in babysitter here or a housekeeper in town because she needs one for her daughter. We are going to be away for a month. Are you up for the job?" she asked me and my eyes widened. This is really a major case of Déjà vu. This is what my mom asked me before. OMYGOD OMYGOD PLEASE NO.

“Babysitting? Mom I’m 25, I can’t babysit anymore.” I said and she raised her eyebrows.

“did you watch 13 going 30 again?” She quizzed and I shook my head.

“Why does everyone prank me? It’s frustrating.”

“Silly girl. Go eat your breakfast and ill drive you to school.” She said and handed me my plate. This is really creepy. I think I’m going to pass out any second now. This can’t be happening!

“Mom…. What the name of the family I’m going to babysit?”

Please don’t say Maura. Please don’t.

And that’s when my world shattered.

"Oh. Maura Horan"

Knickers in A Twist (sequel)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora