CHAP 11: always here for you

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Warning! This is a crappy chapter. Not yet edited!

We entered the restaurant and I told Grace to just wait on the booth. She obliged, skipping her way to the booth.

“Hey Mike.” I called to him. He’s busy chopping some onions, but he looked at me with regard.

“Hey sis- Oh my gosh what happened to you? Who hurt you? Did that guy Harry hurt you? What- “

“Bro calm down! Drop the knife first and I’ll tell you what happened okay?” I told him. He’s holding the knife in the air and I’m afraid he might let it go, accidentally. It’s quite big.

“Okay. Sorry. The last time I saw your eyes that red and puffy was when the boys left on tour. What happened?”

“Harry and I broke up.”

“I told you! You wouldn’t last long!” He exclaimed and I glared at him. He doesn’t believe in our ‘relationship’. If there is an anti- Harry & Gabby, Mike would be the president.

“But you dumped him, right?” He asked again, and I looked down at my shaking hands.

“He did.” And that made Mikee mad. And a mad Mikee is like an evil minion. Scary yet funny, But 75 percent scary.

“Where is that smurfing son of his mom coz I’m gonna chop his baby maker and sell it on eBay! I already warned him!” He threatened, and I feel terrified for Harry’s baby maker. I do hate him, but not to the point that I would let Mikee chop of his, ERM, you know. And I don’t even want to see it on eBay.

“Bro, calm down. It’s done now. And I want to order 2 super special meals. I have a new friend.” I told him and he nodded. He went to get the ingredients and I walked out.

I joined Grace in the booth, and after 30 minutes, our food arrived. Super special meal consists of 6 different dishes and unlimited rice. Because I ordered 2 meals, 2 plates of sizzling scallops, chicken curry, chicken & pork adobo, sizzling Milkfish (A/N we call it Bangus), Fish sinigang, and talaba.

“They smell good Gab!” She explained, her eyes twinkling like the stars (LOL)

“They taste good too!” I told her and she dug in.

After taking a big bite, she groaned, savouring the Chicken adobo. “OH MY FREAKIN’ COOKIES these are awesome!”

I laughed at her and dug in too. Boy I am famished!

“Hey Gabby, can I ask something personal?” She asked, her mouth full of meat.

“What is it?”

“Do you still love Niall?” I admit that shocked me. Nobody dared to ask me that question. It’s like a taboo.

“I don’t” I answered confidently. But my heart suddenly skipped a beat, as if it’s against my answer. What the smurfs is happening with me?

“Oh. You know, I never shipped you and Harry.” She stated and I looked at her, raising a brow.

“I was a Nabby fan. Until now actually. “ She grinned and I can’t help but blush. STUPID cheeks!

“Uhm, thank you?” I answered and we suddenly burst out laughing. I don’t know why but we just did. I could immediately tell that we’ll be good friends.

“GABBY!” A familiar voice called behind me. Gracie and I turned around to see a panting Niall walking towards us.

“What are you doing here?” I stood up and faced him. Instead of answering my question, he hugged me. Really tight in front of everyone. O///////O

When I glanced at Grace, she is smiling really wide that it could possibly tear her mouth.

“I’m sorry I didn’t run after you!” He panted, pulling me into another tight hug.

“But I told you not to go after me Niall!” I kind of yelled at him. He looked at me with those pretty blue puppy eyes and I suddenly regretted it. He started to walk away, and I don’t know why but I grabbed his hands and stopped him.

“I’m so sorry Niall. I didn’t mean to yell at you.” I apologized and he smiled a little. UGH. Gonna win this little leprechaun back. I gave him my best puppy look, knowing that he can't resist it. Please

Then he showed a teeth-showing smile. SUCCESS!

“I'm sorry I went here. I just can't stomach the thought of your crying. It hurts me too much Gab.” He said and my heart softened. Oh Niall.

“Lets go to my office, eh? I think we attracted to much of a crowd.” I told him, gesturing at the screaming fans and paps outside my restaurant.

“Yeah. And I’ll just stay here to eat the delicious food!” She said. I nodded and led Niall to my office.

My office is just a normal looking office, if that makes sense. The walls are covered in pink and white stripes wall paper. There's a big and cushion-y sofa sitting near the window, scattered papers and clothes everywhere. Although I'm now a “grown” up woman, I'm still messy and that's hard to change.

“Harry is sorry”. He spoke, after 5 minutes of awkwardness.

“I don't care.” I replied bitterly. Right now, I don't care about Harry. I don't even want to think about him.

“I know what he did was wrong, but, he's sorry and-”

“I.DONT. CARE. Did you go after me just to give me a lecture?! Smurfs Niall! Give me a break!” I see the hurt in his eyes again, and before he would try to walk out on me, I ran to him and hugged him.

“I'm really sorry Niall. I don'tknow what I'm talking about. You know I don't plant hatred seeds in my heart, but you have to understand. Before I could forgive him, my heart needs to heal first.” I explained, surprisingly in a calm manner.

“I do understand. I'm sorry for pushing you.” he apologized and nuzzled is head on the crook of my neck.

“Want some ice cream? My treat.” He offered and my face lit up, as if I didn't have a fight with my 2 best mates, as if I didn't break up with my boyfriend, just for the love of my life- ice cream.

“Finally, I saw you smile again.” He said and poked my dimples. YES PEOPLE I HAVE DIMPLES.

“St. Regis?” I asked and he nodded. I jumped up and down like a child receiving a doll for Christmas.

I secured my things and we marched out from my restaurant. Just like last time eh?

We got in his car and drove off.

After a couple of Minutes, my phone buzzed loudly in my pocket.

“Hello?” I answered, seeing that it's an unknown number


OOPS. So that's the one I forgot. Guess Ice cream has that effect on me.

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