CHAP 1: Meeting

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It's been 3 days since Lou told me that they're coming over, and 3 days that I anticipated their "unexpected “arrival. Every time our restaurant door opens, I automatically turn my head and gets disappointed every single time, hoping that it's the boys. Even though I'm excited like a kid who was promised an ice cream, I don't know how to face Harry, who is my fiancée. Ironic isn’t it? Mia and the rest told me that our relationship has nowhere to go, considering the fact that we haven't seen each other for a very long time, and can't quite have time for each other. I don't believe them, because each day that we're apart, my love for him grows deeper. Or so I think.

Gossip tabloids are 75% LIE, and it can't tear Harry and I apart. Two years since their 2nd World tour started, 2 years without seeing each other. The sad thing is, I don't know what to say when i see him. Yes there's Skype, Oovoo, and all those video chats. But my oh-so famous fiancée is too busy.

I am so distracted with my thoughts that I didn't hear the screaming and commotion outside my restaurant. By the time realization hits me, I felt paralyzed, unable to move. Girls are gaping, with their mouths wide open as 5 celebrities BLEW everyone away. Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Niall appeared grinning like idiots before my eyes. And before I could feel what's really happening, I am crushed in a suffocating hug.  I hugged them back, smelling the perfume that they are now selling on the market that they specially made. As I hugged them one by one, tears of joy fell freely on my cheeks blurring my vision. My eyes then landed on the one I'm missing the most. It felt like a movie, in a slow motion where everything is twirling and we're the only ones left. With his curly hair, signature clothes, and Cheshire-cat smile, I am amazed with my fiancée. Happiness once again conquered my heart, body, and soul.

"Hey babe." He smiled, and I don't know how those 2 words make my heart go boom boom boom. My body seemed to have a mind of its own, and I hugged him as tight as my body could handle. He hugged me back with the same pressure and I could feel his rapid heartbeat, similar to mine. We looked at each other’s' eyes and ever so slowly, he kissed me as sparks and fireworks appeared above us. I know people are staring, but I really don't care. As we broke apart, I expected the customers to complain about out public display of attention, but instead, everyone erupted into cheers and hollers. I saw a few girls dabbing their eyes with napkin, and I giggled to myself. The boys too have a big smile planted on their faces, and I instantly knew that there's something unreal about it, like there's something I should know that is not a good thing. The door dings again, I found the answer. As the imaginary soft music played, Cher Lloyd walked gracefully, with her hair curled to perfection, poise that stands out, and its as id she was born to be awed. I looked at Harry, but he was looking and smiling at her, like a proud boyfriend. I felt a familiar clench on my stomach, and I could feel my tears waiting for its cue. 

"Hey, you must be Gabby! I'm Cher! They talked a lot about you and it felt like I know you already!" She exclaimed as she held out her hand with nails that are polished with pink and black stripes. 

"Yes I'm Gabby! It's so nice to meet you!" I said, and shook her hand. I faked a smile, as my subconscious (A/N GOT THIS FROM FIFTY SHADES. IT'S LIKE ANOTHER BEING LIVING INSIDE YOUR HEAD, OR ANOTHER YOU. UGH. YOU'D UNDERSTAND: D) shakes her head at me. I ignored her, as I intertwined my hand with Harry's. He seemed surprised, but didn't say anything.

"Might as well try our food since you're already here. It's on the house." I said and the boys pumped their hands in the air. I lead them to a booth at the back, and gave them the menu. 

"Gabby-boo! I'd like to try this Pork Sisig please. You serve rice, right?" He asked innocently. Oh poor lou. He earned a smack on the head from none other than, Liam.

"Lou! We all know they do." Liam said and shook his head. Lou just made a pouty face, so I pat his head. 

"Don't worry Lou-bear, I'd just give you extra bowl of fresh carrots okay?" I said and his face lit up like a Christmas tree. Oh Lou and his love for carrots.

"What can I get you sir?" I asked Niall with my best professional voice. He just laughed at me and enumerated his order in perfect pronunciation.

"I'd like Chicken Adobo, Fried Dumplings, grilled Milkfish, mashed potatoes, chips, and spicy Tuna please." I scribbled his order and shook my head.

"I think you're trying to take advantage of the free food!" I joked, and he laughed with his Irish accent ringing out.

"No one would pass on free food!" I laughed, as I moved on to Zayn who is obviously frustrated about the menu, since his forehead is crinkled. 

"What's a Lapu-Lapu?" He asked, and I tried to hide my laugh by the way he pronounced it. 

"It's a fish sir, a very delicious one." I said and he nodded.

"I'd like that please." He answered then I moved on to Cher. 

 "What can I get you ma'am?" 

 "I'll get whatever Harry is getting. I really don't know anything about this kind of cuisine." She said and I looked at Harry who seemed to be thinking hard.

"Hmmm. We'll just get some Spareribs and Bicol Express. Cher likes spicy food, and I know Bicol Express is damn spicy." He said and I shakily scribbled their order. This is not right. Why? Why do I feel like Harry's not mine anymore? My subconscious just shakes her head, hugging her pillow that's soon to be soaked with tears.

"How about some dessert?" I asked and everyone shook their heads except for Harry.

"An Ice Box Cake please." He said and I am confused.

"But you don't like mangoes?" I asked.

"I don't. Cher does. I want her to try it." He said and it felt like my heart is slowly shattering. Oh please. No no no no no.

"O-okay. Food will be served shortly." I hurriedly turned away, and I felt a hand holding my wrist. Niall.

"Don't worry Gabby. They're just friends. And Cher is a good person." he said but I just shrugged.

"Yeah right." I mumbled to myself, but he heard it.

"Just trust in him. He won't do anything to hurt you." I didn't say anything, and walked away.

I heard several girls giggling and whispering to each other.

"Harry and Cher look good together! They should be a couple!" girl 1 said and my subconscious thumped on the bed, like a huge brick fell on her head.

"Shh! Harry and Gab are still together you know!" girl 2 scolded. I don't want to hear anything anymore, so I walked as fast as I could to the kitchen counter.

 "What's wrong sis?" Mikee asked, with worry on his voice. He can't know about this. He's over-protective and if he knew, I don't know what would happen. "Are you crying?"

"No. Here’s the order." I handed him the orders and wiped the tears that are now on my cheeks. He is still looking at me with concern so I added, "It's just dust."

He then walked away and the sound of the pans clinked, a sign that he's gonna cook.

I looked back to where they are sitting and saw Harry and Cher chatting happily like they have their own world. Harry laughs at whatever Cher is telling him,

And Now that I think about it, my best friends might be right.

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