CHAP 10: Goodbye boys

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Gab's POV

“Has anyone seen Zayn?” Liam asked as he tied his sneakers.

“He said he’ll be back. He just went for a walk, which are hours ago.” I told him.

“Did you try to call him?” I asked and the boys shook their heads.

“How bout Harry?” Liam asked and we shook our heads. Where are those two?

“UGH. We have a recording in 2 hours! We should be there by now. Gab, please call Zayn. And Lou, please call Harry.” Liam instructed. I gave him a salute, and dialled Zayn’s number.

“Hello?” He answered after 2 rings. There’s a lot of shouting in the background.

“Zayn! Where are you? Liam’s gone maaaad! You have a recording in 2 hours!”

“Shit!” He cursed. “I’m here in the amusement park!” That explains the yells.

“And why are you panting?” I asked, after I realized that he’s not in his usual “cool” voice.

“Well, guards are chasing us.”

“Why is that?”


“ARE YOU THE GIRLFRIEND OF THIS GUY? IF YOU ARE, HE’S IN GRAVE DANGER! I’M KIDNAPPING HIM?” A girl’s voice yelled, interrupting Zayn. Kidnap? Impossible. Zayn knows karate. (A/N lets imagine he does know karate. This is fiction after all XD)

“If that’s really your motive, you should have broken bones right now and you won’t be able to talk, or scream like that.” I told her and I could tell she can’t answer that. I heard shuffling of the phone again.

“Sorry bout that Gab. We’ve been chased because of her.”

“Who is she?”

“A crazy girl who suddenly jumped on my back and threatened to kill me with a cotton candy.” He explained. Oh. Interesting.

“I still don’t understand but you better be here in an hour. Or just meet us in the studio if you don’t want Liam to kill you with a fork” I told him and we hanged up.

“Zayn’s all clear. He’ll meet us in the studio.” I told Liam and I could tell he’s half relieved.

“Lou, how about Harry?” Liam asked Lou.

“He’s not answering.”

“He’s probably at Cher’s.” I bitterly said. The boys looked at me and Lou sighed.

“Gab, it’s not like that. They are just-“ before he could say the word friends, I cut him off.

“Don’t tell me they’re just friends Lou! We fought last night. We broke up last night because of her! It’s all HER FAULT!”

“It’s not her fault Gabby! Even if Harry likes her, IT’S NOT HER FAULT! SHE DOESN’T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU AND HARRY!” Lou yelled, and the boy’s mouth hanged open. He’s yelling at me. Lou’s yelling at me. He’s defending Cher. Why am I not surprised? They all like her better than me.

“Harry told me himself! She’s the reason why he wants to break up with me!” I defended as I tried to stop my tears.

“It’s Harry’s fault! He knows he has a fiancée! You won’t fall for another girl if you really love the first!” Lou blurted out. That broke my heart. Big time.

“Lou’s right Gab. Don’t blame Cher. She has nothing to do with you and Harry.” Liam said, putting his hands on my shoulder. I took his hands off my shoulder and slowly backed away as tears fall like a waterfall down my cheeks.

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