♣ Chapter 5 ♣

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All psychos need love.

Where you see 'T.R.', it is pronounced as 'teacher.'
Lol, I know.


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          "Welcome to Redshift," Vincent says, and I look up to the sign above the exit from the interstate. I look out into the distance and see the town. There are many sophisticated houses situated suburban-style, and on the outskirts, there are a few lone mansions on hills. The biggest one catches my attention. It's a light shade of azure and the setting sun gives it an angelic glow.

          "This place looks exquisite," I say, feeling bubbly–the good kind, though.

          "It is. You see that blue mansion?" he points to the same mansion that I noticed before. "That's my house."

          Holy crap! He's joking, right? "That huge mansion is yours?"

          "Yeah. After all, I am a billionaire," he titters.

          "Really? Well, I've never heard of the great Vincent Phillips before yesterday," I say, looking at him and laughing.

          "Ha-ha, that's very funny. I'm sure you've heard of T.R."

          "As in the occupation? Of course. Who hasn't?"

          He sighs, "No, not 'teacher'. T.R.–Taegan Robotics."

          "Why do you call it teacher?" I scrunch my nose.

          "Isn't it obvious? It carries the same initials." He taps the steering wheel, for some strange reason, but I ignore it.

          "That's that multinational, multi-billion dollar corporation that invented the Hover-vac? I've always wanted one of those," I say, jumping up and down in my seat. "That's so awesome! I bet, since we're dating now, you can get one for me," I joke. He glances at me with a serious face, and I immediately stop smiling. "Sorry, I didn't mean to go overboard."

          I look away and through the window, into the distance where the sun continues to set, leaving an orange glow in the sky. Then, the view disappears and is replaced by a field of tall grass. I catch a glimpse of a flat house that appears to have been burnt down, but we speed by it so fast, I couldn't be too sure.


          "Here we are," he gets out of the car and takes my bags out of the trunk. I pull two of them that have wheels, while he carries the other one that doesn't and his camouflage gym bag.

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