♣ Chapter 17 ♣

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Song above – Somebody's Watching Me

By Rockwell


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          Opening and rubbing my eyes as I awaken, I sit up in bed. I glance over at the window and see that night prevails. Oliver apparently came to the room and left because sitting on the nightstand is a covered platter, most likely with food.

          Aw, how thoughtful of him.

          Reaching for the platter, I uncover and reveal its contents – a few slices of toasted bread with molten cheese on top, and a few strips of bacon with scrambled eggs. A glass of red wine is rested next to the platter, and I smile because it's my favourite. Not exactly dinner, but it is a decent night snack. I eventually become sated as I gobble down the food, a belch erupting from my throat, followed by a small giggle.

          "I see you enjoyed your meal," a voice says from the closet in the corner of the room.

          Jumping out of the bed, I glance around but don't see anyone. But there's no mistaking who that voice belongs to.

         He chuckles darkly. "You can't see me, can you?" His voice sounds like an echo, now coming from where the bathroom is situated.

          "Where are you? Why are you here? What do you want?" I ask, frowning with anger.

          "Meet me in the library," he says, averting my questions. "If you want to see your friend again, you'd better be there as soon as Vincent leaves. From there, we'll go for a little stroll."

          Friend? Who could he possibly be talking about? I scrunch my eyebrows and let his words assimilate and then, with wide eyes, I gasp. "What have you done with him?"

          "You shouldn't be worried about people that aren't important," he says coldly.

          "He is important. He cares about me, and more than your lying brother," I bite out.

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